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"TOM?!?" You screamed, he finally came out with a bloody face. You gasped, you ran back inside locking the door behind you, did he kill somebody? He was pounding on the door. But then it stopped, he was at my window and it didn't have a lock on it. I ran to my bathroom, waiting for him to kill me. But it's gustav? "GUSTAV?" "Hey y/n, Tom didn't really kill me. He faked my death so you could move to the us where he can kill you. But I'm not letting that happen." He winked. You were confused but followed him to the basement that you didn't even know it was there. Then he punched you, making you unconscious. You woke up to both of them sitting waiting for you to wake, they started talking saying you were being held for ransom. But they both know that your parents died in a fire? You were concerned who would be coming. Then you saw your parents, they died in a fire, how. They said they were apart of toms group called "The Locks" gustav was apparently apart of it. Ur only friend betrayed you, but why? They all walked towards you and gustav put this weird stuff on your mouth that made you get knocked out. (It's not cum you Werido🤨📸) you woke up in Germany. Bill and Georg were knocked out. Why would Tom do that to his brother and his friend? You screamed for help, then Tom came in and punched you. You got knocked out again! (God damn you've been having long naps😭)
You wake up to bill and georg staring at you, cause it's your fault their there. You started sobbing, then The locks group, (Tom, gustav and your parents)

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