Ur name is y/n obvi?🤨 ur from Germany who recently moved to the us for you music career cuz you wanted to go solo, no why would you wanna do that?🤨 you were in a band called Tokio Hotel, you had a bf named tom, the guitarist of the band. You helpe...
Today is my last day of school, what could happen?🤷♀️ today you can pick whatever you want 😊🫶 looks good on me, so fetch! Cant wait till Tom sees it! Your gonna only gonna wear lipgloss with mascara cause today is so basic and fetch🤭 Tom is waiting outside better hurry!
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He's sitting on the hard side walk🤨
He grabs you and hugs you so softly (its not like those story's where he grabs your ass🤨) Anyways you say hi to bill, gustav and georg then y'all walk to school. BUT your ex bf Jeremy (he's important in the story) he walks up to Tom punches him then just goes on with his day, like HELLO?!?🤨 Tom was fed up and bitch slapped him. Obvi he was sent to juvenile detention for a month because of jeremys injuries. Today is the day Tom gets out! You can't wait🤭 but when he comes out he looks different.🤨
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what happened to his dreadlocks? You said in ur mind. He ran right past you and just got in the car and talked to the band but left you out like he didn't know you. But then georg (bless him cause he mentioned you when no one didn't😊) told Tom "did you forget abt y/n?" Tom replied with "no, I just moved on a little bit over the month, I mean like she's cool but not my type anymore." It broke your heart after you heard him say that. As soon as bill parked, you ran out the car broken and crying. Tom noticed but he didn't wanna show it. You went to you and toms favorite hangout spot, you held a picture of Tom and u then you ripped it up in front of his face. He was shocked and confused. He said "y/n that was our favorite picture, did I do something wrong?" You were furious like he didn't just say "no, I just moved on a little bit over the month, I mean like she's cool but not my type anymore." Like HELLOOOO?!?! He said it was a joke but his face was in a sarcastic way along with his tone. You knew something was going on. But what?