Chapter 4 Will she ever get out?

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Guard Steve had to go up to the head Guard and tell them what he did.
HeadGuard:What do you want Guard Steve?
Guard Steve:I have a problem.
HeadGuard:And what seems to be the problem?
Guard Steve:I lost Kylie.
Guard Steve:I lost Kylie.
HeadGuard:How did you do that?
Guard Steve:I let her go to the bathroom.Then I left because people tend to not think to leave or try to escape.
HeadGuard:Go home Steve you are no longer working for this week.Give me your bash.
Guard Steve:So this means I'm no longer a guard?
HeadGuard:Yes for the rest of this week and it will be longer if you mass with any thing.
Steve:Yes sir I won't do anything.
HeadGuard:Know I have to figure out where Kylie is thanks to you.You can go know.
Know it's where we are.
Me:I can't believe that worked.
Rose:I told you that it would work.
Me:Your right so what are we going to do?
Few seconds went by and Freddy waked in.
Freddy:We get the story together.
Rose:Yeah we have to get that together.
Me:First off what in the world are you doing here Freddy.
Freddy:I'm here to help you too out.
Me:You know the two girls don't know your name but they know how you look.So if I get caught.Then you will get caught Freddy.
Freddy:I didn't know that but I don't care.We can figure something out to say.
What the other to didn't know what was going to happen is that I'm going to come forward and say what I did and blurt them out for helping me out.This is where the story gets crazy.They are not going to expect what happens.
Me:Okay so what's the plan?
Freddy:when you get caught again and they ask you if you actually killed Elizabeth you will say no.And that you didn't know that was going to happen.
Me:I know that and I'm going to say that I was going to pull a prank the other to and Elizabeth was with me in the prank.
The day that I got caught.Then we went to court.
Judge Taylor:Let's get this court started.
Rose:Okay I'm ready.
Stacy:I'm also ready.
(Stacy is the other lawyer.)
Judge Taylor:Okay let's start with the hearing of Kylie.
Rose:(whispers in my ear)Don't mass this up.
Me:I won't.
I go up on the stand.
Judge Taylor:Okay Kylie tell us what happened from the beginning.
Me:So we got to the camp site and I was getting the camp site set up and then Sarah said to Elizabeth that she wanted her to come and help and get wood wish at that time Elizabeth was helping me out.By the way before that me and Elizabeth were going to pull a prank on the other two.I didn't know that she was going to die.But back to the story Elizabeth said no and that she wanted to help me.So Anna and Sarah went to get wood.Me and Elizabeth finally finished setting up and we didn't have food so I said I'm running to the store and get some food.But Elizabeth didn't what to come.I didn't want to leave but she said that she would be fine.So I left and got food.I came back and I saw Sarah and Anna with cops around Elizabeth's body.I was scared to death.
Judge Taylor:Is that all?
Stacy:I object.
Judge Taylor:Okay go on what do you want to say.
Stacy:You said that you and Elizabeth were going to pull a prank on the two other girls.What was the prank going to be.
Me:Me and Elizabeth had a manikin,rope,and red pant with clothing.We were going to tell a story of some dying very recently.Then one of us was going to drop the rope and then the girls would see the manikin body with fake blood.
Stacy:Okay how about the fact that the other girls saw someone that they think had been assaulted with you before the killings of Elizabeth?
Me:I don't know I got a weird feeling about being there when I finished setting up and that why I said that Elizabeth should come with me.
Stacy:So did you know that he was there?
Stacy:His name is Freddy?He said that you asked for his help with something?
Me:Help with what?All I asked him to help out with the pant.
Stacy:He said that he saw someone to kill Elizabeth.
I looked at Rose in a question way.
Rose:Object you honor.
Judge Taylor:Yes Rose .
Rose:These questions are getting a little bit over board.Kylie has said everything she know right Kylie,
Me:Yes I did
Stacy:There is something that she is hiding.
Rose:You honor I said that this is done.
Judge Taylor:Let me take with the court.
Before going back into the court.
Stacy:I know it was you and I know you won't get away with this.
Back in the court room.
Judge Taylor:Okay we made our decision.
Me:Wait I actually have something to say.
Judge Taylor:Yes Kylie.
Me:I can't keep this in any more I feel so bad.
Judge Taylor:What do you mean?
Rose.Kylie don't do this.
Me:Rose I have to.
Judge Taylor: Don't saw what?
Me:I did kill Elizabeth but I have a good reason why.
Judge Taylor:Okay explain yourself.
Me:Me and Elizabeth where very good friends but one day I was babysitting and she knew where I was babysitting at.So she came over and killed the baby that I was talking care of.I called the parents and the police but they blamed me for it.So I had to do pay back.So Rose and Freddy helped me with it.
Stacy:I knew it.I knew it.
Judge Taylor:So why try and get away with it.
Me:I got told that I had to or Rose and Freddy where going to come after me and I didn't want to.But I'm fine with it know.
Judge Taylor:Thank you for sharing this know but you will be in jail for know until we can figure something out for you.Is that okay with you.
Me:Yes and I understand the reason.
Judge Taylor:Okay take her away.

Judge Taylor:Okay take her away

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(This is is what I looked like.)

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