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Being Spiderwoman was the only thing that made her feel better at the moment, or rather, it was her only distraction and outlet, it was the only thing that made her think even a little less about all the bad things that had recently happened in her life. What she most wanted at that moment was to be locked in her room in the dark, lying on her bed, crying — but she was on top of a rooftop watching over the city at night like a gargoyle.

"Hello," said a male voice behind her, startling her. She quickly stood up and turned around.

It was a ridiculously tall, muscular man in a special suit, with a bright red symbol on his chest that looked like a spider but also like a skull, he could be either a hero or a villain so she struck a defensive pose. Her spider instinct told her nothing but he was hiding something with his arms behind his back and that didn't reassure her.

"What's that behind your back?" she asked.

"I'm glad you asked," said the man, making her hear his Mexican accent. From behind his back he pulled out what he was hiding and what she saw paralysed her completely.

It was her ex-boyfriend's head.

So many things went through her mind that she became dizzy and nauseous, apart from the tears that began to well up in her eyes under the mask.

It was true that after the damage he had done to her during and after their relationship she hated him and even wished him dead, but she never thought she would actually get to see him dead and in such a graphic way. The faith that he would come back to her repentant and apologise for treating her so badly went out the window, it would never happen. Now, more than ever, only her memories remained. Besides, how did this man know he was her ex? Her ex didn't even know her superheroine identity, so somehow he knew her civilian identity.

Almost instantly she leapt off the rooftop and began swinging across the buildings of her city, and seeing this he threw his head to the rooftop floor like a candy wrapper and copied her. She was surprised to turn around and see that he too had cobwebs (and bright orange and phosphorescent ones at that) and was swinging across the buildings almost like her. As she ran away from him aimlessly she formed the theory in her mind that he, in a way, was like her, he too was bitten by a radioactive spider.

"You can run but you can't hide!" he said after her.

She supposed she could fight him, she had faced all kinds of villains and situations as Spiderwoman, but seeing that he had killed her ex and somehow knew her identity terrified her. Her fear, or rather, her survival instinct screamed at her to run and get away from him as fast as she could, unable to turn around and dare to hit him.

After a long time playing cat and mouse, it seemed to throw him off and she walked away from it, resting on another rooftop after the chase. She took off her mask to get a better breath and for fear of throwing it up, while her palms and knees were pinned to the ground, as were her eyes.

"I told you you could run but not hide," he said again behind her with a certain victorious tone, already putting on his winner's medal.

With her pulse racing again with fear, she tried to get up, put on her mask and jump off the building but she didn't have time, he was faster than her and threw a big spider's web to wrap her whole body as she did with the thieves she trapped. She tried to break free, she tried to break it so she couldn't escape.

"Who are you? How do you know? Why? What do you want?" She asked in terror as he pulled the web towards him with one arm, dragging it along the ground. She thought about screaming, but it would be useless because of the height of the building, no one would hear her, and she probably wouldn't even have time to formulate the whole word because he would put a spider web in her mouth to shut her up or even worse, like strangling her.

"I'm your dream come true," he said, leaving her completely confused as his mask somehow unravelled, it was no ordinary cloth, "I've been watching you for a while now," he said, smiling sideways. Were it not for the context of their encounter, she would admit his handsome face and body. "I am Miguel O'Hara, a Spider-Man from another dimension, and the people of your dimension would also consider me to be from the future. At first I watched you to recruit you into my spider-society, to work with other Spidersonas on interdimensional missions, but... I couldn't help but empathise and feel sorry for your situation. That asshole didn't deserve you, so I got your wish and killed him. You want a boyfriend who loves and cares for you in every way, and here he is."

She was stunned by the monologue she had heard. It sounded unreal, a science fiction story, but she lived in a crazy world full of superheroes and villains, so why shouldn't the madness he was saying be true?

"I didn't want that, I wanted HIM to be that again!" She cried, bursting into tears, she couldn't believe that now it was definitely never going to happen again.

"You know that would never happen. He said a lot but didn't act much. Like the time he told you that he wanted to see you smile, that he didn't want to see you sad, but he never gave you anything, and when you asked him to give you a flower or write you a love letter, he excused himself and got upset. He didn't even care about your emotions and your health."

That happened half a year ago, so she realised that this man had been spying on her for at least half a year.

"The best gift he could have given you was to leave you. I'm here to take care of you now."

"God, shut up," she said, fed up, "and let me go."

He turned for a second, fiddled with a watch on one wrist, and an orange portal opened. It didn't look like Dr Strange's ones.

"Oh, I'll let you go," he said as he bent down and picked her up from the ground in his arms (like a princess), "but not here."

And suddenly she felt sharp fangs dig into her neck.

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