Chapter 10

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"Yoo-hoo, Scaramouche!"

"Huh?" Scaramouche looked up from his book to see who was calling out to him. It was Venti. Surprisingly, Xiao wasn't there with him, like always. Of course, a bunch of freshmen girls were swooning at the sight of Venti. He was one of the most popular boys in the school and some girls kept believing they have a chance when rumors of Venti being taken already were flying around the school. Scaramouche still doesn't know why Xiao and Venti keep their relationship a secret apart from their family and extremely close and trusted friends which were just Heizou and Kazuha and him, now. Maybe, since he only found out thanks to Heizou and their obvious flirting whenever they hang out. Didn't help Xiao was such a simp for his boyfriend.  

"Do you need something, Venti?" Scaramouche asked, putting his book aside.

"I wanted to know if Shoko and Klee can have a playdate together this weekend! Klee and Shoko had become great friends in that one night so Klee wanted me to ask you whether her and Shoko can hang out again!" Venti explained. 

"Oh, uh, I'll see..." Scaramouche muttered. It'd be good to let Shoko out of their house with and make a good friend since Scaramouche and Shoko weren't the most socially liked people. Everybody knew about the incident from when Shoko was two years old and not many really felt the need to talk some 'broken, traumatized' children.

It was all bullshit, really.

"Alright-y, than! See you later~!" Venti said, before running off.

Scaramouche just watched him go before opening his book again, when a sly voice met his ears and he instantly knew who it was.

"Venti, huh? Didn't know you were like the rest of these silly gooses."

"What do you want, Mona?" Scaramouche said, with an annoyed tone as he glared at his cousin who had sat down next to him.

"Nothing." Mona said, flipping her long, purple, pony behind her shoulder. "Just wanted to know when the depressed loner in the first year batch became friends with the popular, smart and admirable senior in the third year batch. Or is this depressed loner trying to get his shot at a cute boy too?"

She smirked slyly at Scaramouche who only glared at her.

"First of all, I am NOT trying to get a 'shot' at Venti. He's rumored to be taken anyways." Scaramouche snapped, deciding not to mention Xiao since it wasn't his business who knows of their relationship. "And, second, we just became friends after I hung out with Venti's gang at Xiao's house and Venti's house. I don't even know if we're actually friends or just slightly close schoolmates."

"You went to their house?!" Mona exclaimed, eyes sparked with curiosity and some other weird emotion Scaramouche couldn't tell but still made him feel uncomfortable.

"Yeah...?" Scaramouche said, not knowing where this is going.

"What did Venti's room look like? Did he have any posters or books of some sort? Anything about his interests?" Mona asked, excitedly, getting all up into Scaramouche's face like cream.

"Why the hell do you want to know that?" Scaramouche said, shoving Mona's face aside. "Don't tell me you fancy him too like those weirdos."

"Of course not. I find him the most unbearable person on planet earth! You know what he did?! I let him come over to my house once since Fischl insisted that the more players for UNO, the better, he broke my ASTROLABE! That thing was NOT cheap! he was lucky Fischl got him out of there before I broke his hands! Why can't he ever just keep to himself! He's just this irritating bundle of energy and I HATE HIM." Mona ranted to Scaramouche who was obviously not interested in her stupid rant about Venti. 

"Great, but than why do you need this shit about him?" Scaramouche asked.

"Because if I tell his fan club this, they'd definitely do ANYTHING to get him to like them. They'd get into whatever shit he's interested in, and even try to match their personality to his." Mona said, with an evil smirk. "It'd be so funny watching those desperate fools flap around Venti and try to be the one to get his heart."

"You're evil." Scaramouche commented, letting out a laugh himself.

"Why, thank you." Mona replied, twirling a lock of her hair around her finger before flipping it behind her shoulder again.

"Anyways," Mona stood up, stretching. "I think I'm going to go find those idiots and make sure they aren't committing suicidal experiments in the chemistry lab again. I swear that guy in there seriously needs to lock away all the explosive chemicals if he still wants his stupid lab standing... Bye, than."

"Bye." Scaramouche said, re-opening his book to carry on from where he left off due to continuously being interrupted by people when he was interrupted ONCE MORE.

"Hello~" Kazuha greeted him, sitting down next to Scaramouche. "What're you doing?"

"Reading a book?" Scaramouche said, rolling his eyes. Was it not obvious?

"Ooh, which one?" Kazuha said, leaning forward to look. 

"Are always this nosy?" Scaramouche said, leaning away.

"No, not really." Kazuha replied, straightening up again.

"Than why the hell do you keep sticking your nose in my business?" Scaramouche asked. He didn't care about being rude to his senior at this point. He just wanted him to get the fuck away for now.

"Hmm, maybe because you interest me so much." Kazuha said as he smiled gently at Scaramouche.

The way Kazuha looked at him... Scaramouche couldn't help it... The heat just rose furiously to his cheeks as he blushed a bright red, but before Kazuha could see this humiliating expression, he looked away, face buried in his book.

"Whatever... Just go bother someone else for information, will you?!" He exclaimed, refusing to meet Kazuha's eyes.

"Alright, then. See you, Scara!" 

Scaramouche patiently listened to Kazuha's footsteps as they faded away meaning Kazuha was gone. He looked behind him and sure enough his senior was nowhere in sight. Scaramouche let out an exasperated sigh as he went back to his book to read but he couldn't focus on the words in front of him. His mind was just only focused on the image of Kazuha smiling at him and his heart was racing so fast.

God dammit, why was he feeling this way?!

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