my blood | four

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possible tw for this chapter. not too sure how to describe it without giving too much away, so read with caution.

Mum never wanted to talk about my father. She merely said he was a bad man, a man not worth mentioning.

When I got my Hogwarts letter, I assumed I was bound to be in Slytherin, just like she was. She promised me I would be. She told me it was in my blood.

Her death was tragic. Cruel. A man who was still a loyal follower of the Dark Lord sought her out. He followed her to Diagon Alley where she worked. She took me with her that day to fetch some school supplies. We walked down Diagon Alley hand in hand. It was a perfect day. Just me and her, always has been, always will be.

Or so I thought.

It was quite early in the morning on a random Wednesday. Still a bit early on to be shopping for school supplies, but mum wanted to get it over with. Due to the day and time, Diagon Alley wasn't very crowded. In fact, it was almost deserted. As we rounded a corner, we heard footsteps following closely behind us. Her grip on my hand tightened, and her pace quickened. I tried not to think much of it, but I've always been able to tell when trouble was approaching.

Instinctively, I turned to look behind me. When I saw the man, I froze in my tracks. He had a mask on, a terrifying one at that. His cloak was dark and cast a horrifying shadow onto the already horrific mask. The hood of the cloak came to a point. Frozen in fear, my hand slipped out of my mothers.

"Y/N!" My mother cried out to me. I felt as though I couldn't move.

The man pointed his wand at me. "Petrificus Totalus!" I was thrown against a brick wall. I could feel the blood running down the back of my head, yet I couldn't move to touch it. Now, I was truly frozen.

Mum yelled for me once more.

I could see it all. The man's veiny hands gripping his wand as tight as possible. The tears streaming down her face, her eyes locked on mine.

Then it happened. "Avada Kedavra!"

I saw her collapse onto the ground. I saw him kick her dead body. I saw him stomp on her... yet I couldn't look away, no matter how hard I tried.

It went on for what felt like an eternity. The man then kicked me over, and left.

I laid there for countless hours. I could feel the blood from the back of my head come to a slow, and the tears from my eyes dry onto my skin. That was until I saw yet another dark cloak approach me. Fear crept over me until he spoke.


I could move. I sat up, without even acknowledging the man, and grabbed onto my mother's blood covered body, and wailed. I cried like I'd never cried before, and there the man stood. He gave me a few moments with my mother before he grabbed my hand.

"Come with me. I'll get this taken care of." I finally looked at the man who rescued me from being frozen. I looked into his black eyes and I could've sworn I saw a tear.

While that man saved me from being frozen physically, my heart never recovered. It was still solid, cold, and frosted over.

He never spoke another word to me, and I was under the impression I'd never see him again.

That was until I entered Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

During the sorting ceremony, I was hopeful. I had it all planned out. I'd be sorted into Slytherin, just like mum. I'd study hard and get spectacular grades, just like her. I'd even try out for the Quidditch team.

One of the only things I knew about my father was that he played Quidditch for a while. Maybe I'd feel bonded to him through it.

All my plans came tumbling down when I was sorted into Gryffindor. It made little to no sense to me. I was my mother through and through. I had her hair, her eyes, her laugh, her smile- we were told constantly that we were practically twins.

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