The Sky Rises

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{Narrator Talking}

Isabella raises her hands up to let the sky open. Thunders and lightnings popped out from the sky; twirling around. Now, she's going to say the Magic spells to let the sky open and Eukhanburg to come in the Earth.

{Chit Chat time}

Isabella: "Let the sky arise. Let the sky arise. The portal should be open. *her eyes glow into white* The master will come. The end of the worlds mortal."
Phineas: "NO!!!! ISABELLA!!!!"

*The thunder and lighting pops out; the sky opens and it's ready to take her to the sky. Her eyes turn normal, not white. But before Isabella enters, she saw the boys that look very sad. So she came to them to say a sad good bye before heading to the sky.*

Isabella: "Good bye, guys. I will miss you." *her tears came out*
Baljeet: "Bye, Isabella. I'll see you for a month."
Isabella: "I will always watch you."
Buford: "I will miss you." *his tears came out*
Isabella: "I'll miss you too."
Ferb: "Isabella, my trusted friend. I'll miss you."
Isabella: "Aww, Ferb. I'll be there with you." * came to Phineas; seeing his sadness*..... Phineas."
Phineas: *his tears came out; touching her cheek; starts to hug tightly* "Isabella. *long hug; she hugs back* Don't leave me alone like this. I-I-I love you."
Isabella: *her eyes were wide; closing her eyes* "I love you too."

{Narrator Talking}

They released the hug from others. Now, they look at each other. Phineas came close to her face, and kisses on her lips harder. Isabella kissed him back. After the kiss, they smiled. Isabella forgot something to give him.

{Chit Chat Time}

Isabella: "Phineas, *gives the her cloak to him* here. Take my cloak."
Phineas: "B-b-but Isabella, this is yours. I can't take it. I think you're the one who needs it."
Isabella: "No. Take it. This cloak will make you and the guys safe. I don't want you to get hurt when Eukhanburg arrived. Wear it. You'll be safe from him."
Phineas: *takes her cloak; wearing it, tying the collar part* "Whoa. This is making me safe."
Isabella: *smiling at him* "Told ya. *long pause; kisses him on the cheek; turns sad* Good bye, Phineas."

{Narrator Talking}

After saying good byes to the boys. Isabella went back. Her face is serious. She walks towards to the light shining from the Earth. Isabella went through inside the light; closing her eyes, and then open her eyes, waving them a good bye. They wave back to her. Now, Isabella feels the light lifting her up. So she was lifted from the sky and send her to sky, the sky hole closes, it was very dark. The boys were very sad and looked down. But then, the sky hole opens again.

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