Situation Problem

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{Chit Chat Time}

Phineas: "ISABELLA!!!!!"

*They went back to her; stop to drop their bikes and helping her. Phineas use his hand to carry her head. Isabella's eyes were big and wide; groan.*

Phineas: "Isabella, are you alright?"
Isabella: *groans*
Phineas: "Is it the problem from few weeks ago when you're in the hospital?"
Isabella: "N-n-no, It-is-not. It-wa-s-some-thing-else." *her tears came out from her eyes*
Phineas: *carries her up into his hands and arms like a wedding style* "It's ok, I gotcha. We'll be returning to my house, ok?
Isabella: *nodded as a yes; touches his chest: closes her eyes*
Phineas: "Guys, one of you has to bring her bike?"
Buford: "I got it." *grabs her bike; carrying it*
Phineas: "Thanks, Buford. Now, come on, it's really late now."

{Narrator Talking}

Phineas is carrying Isabella on his hands. The boys walk together, Buford is holding her bike. Finally, it is night, they reached their home, relaxing. They all went upstairs to Phineas and Ferb's room. He lays Isabella on his bed. She was sleeping. They were trying to think about what happened to Isabella. Phineas thought it was the same problem from a few weeks ago when she was in the hospital but, it wasn't. So he was wondering. Suddenly, Isabella woke up, her eyes that she can see was kinda blurry. Phineas called her name when it echoes to her ears. She was rubbing her head.

{Chit Chat Time}

Phineas: "Isabella...Isabella.....Isabella,... *echoes to her; now, back to normal* Are you feeling ok?"
Isabella: *gets up; rubbing her head; groan* "Uhhhh.... W-w-where am I?"
Phineas: "You're at my house, in our room, and you're in my bed."
Isabella: *looks around* "Oh? What just happened?"
Phineas: "Well, we're riding on our bikes. So then, we heard you that you're in pain. So we came back to save you. Now, you're safe. Cause it's really late."

*Isabella gets up; closing her eyes to think she has something very important to them.*

Isabella: "Guys,..... I have something to say for you."
The boys: *gasp* "What is it!!!!"
Isabella: "It's-it's-it's.... Phineas, do you remember when I'm in the hospital since a few weeks ago?"
Phineas: "Yes."
Isabella: "I lied."
Phineas: "What do you mean you lied? You were in pain."
Isabella: "No, I wasn't. My heart doesn't felt in pain. *long pause* It was someone who controls my heart."
Baljeet: "Someone controls your heart?? But Isabella, your heart is inside your body always. Why would someone control it?"
Isabella: " Well, *closes her eyes to think a flashback from the past* when I was little. There was a vicious alien that came to visit earth to take me. His name is Hortsikile (Hort-si-kyle). My mom betrayed me that I'm not her parent. So then, he send me to the malicious planet called Warfex. That's now, When I was a slave and then, I saw a doppelgänger of me. Her name is Blair (B-lair). She's my half sister when we met. A few years later, I escaped from jail and then, I moved to another planet. The planet I found to live, is called Sireisa (Sir-rai-sa). My half/step father raised me, his name is Gorth Malchor (Mal-kor) but not just me he raised. He raised my half sister, Blair. We became Princesses of the planet. A few years later again, there was someone that came to visit the planet. His name is Eukhanburg (You-khän-burg). A strong giant demon that demolished stuff easily. He kidnapped me and send me to his dimension world. His world is full of scary and red world. I am part of his apprentice cause I listened for whatever he wants. So he trusted me more than his other apprentices. So then, he sends me to the hemillia, the red pond. It is the pond that can tell me what symbol am I. But then, it appeared. I am the Phoenix (A magical bird). It tells me when my coronation is coming. And it had already told me. The coronation that every apprentices had, it's called the Amnemiss (Äm-nee-miss) of Guidance. The part of the apprentice has to be lifted and send to the sky. But.... *flashes back to normal in PnF's room* the way I have to be lifted and the sky has to open is.... I have to say the spells from my magic book. Soon or later, after I say the spells and send to the sky. Eukhanburg will visit earth to rule over the planet. And Baljeet, Eukhanburg the strong demon is the one that controls my heart. Also, he's my master."
Phineas: "Wait?? Today is your coronation, The Amnemiss of Guidance. The sky has to rise you up and then... You'll be gone? How long you have to be stayed in the sky?"
Isabella: "A month. Eukhanburg is kinda the substitute of me. But, he rules over the planet. So which means the earth will changed. It'll be difficult than any usual."
Phineas: "Eukhanburg?? He's the one that controls your heart?........Wait!!! I get it!!! I think I know why your heart felt well. Cause you said he's the one that controls your heart, right?? So which means he controls your heart to feel in pain and feel well. No wonder why you didn't took any pills? I GET IT!!!!!"

*A long Pause*

Isabella: "And if you guys want to know what's inside that I always cover? Well, here it is *brings her hood down; unties the collar part, and takes off her cloak; showing her real self; looks really serious*

Phineas and Ferb Fanfic: Isabella's Secret 3Where stories live. Discover now