At school
" Haechan , do you know about the school introduction show?" Jaemin asked , walking with haechan to class
" No , when is it?" Haechan asked
" After tomorrow. So someone has to introduce themselves and introduce the next person so that the second person who was introduced already by the first person , has to introduce the third person and it goes on just like that " jaemin explained , haechans mind was blank , super confused but he got it at some point
" Oh , okay " was all haechan said before he saw mark walk towards them. " Is that mark? Oh yes , that's mark " haechan mumbled , but loud enough for jaemin to hear
" Yes , it's mark Lee. Go " jaemin purposely pushed haechan towards mark
Haechan almost tripped but he balanced himself. " Haechan?" Mark asked , acting as if he met haechan once again at school
" Huh?" Haechan hummed
" You okay?" Mark asked , expecting a response
" Yeah , I'm fine. Where are the others? you don't have to answer me if you don't want to. It's fine , ignore me " haechan spoke, wanting to pass by mark
Jaemin already left, to get a snack cause he was hungry
" I won't ignore you anymore, haechan , just......follow me " mark lightly pulled haechan stopped him. " Why? And to where?" Haechan asked but mark didn't respond
Mark took him to a empty art room and locked the door , no one was in the hall cause everyone is at class
" Mark , I'm gonna be late for class. Make it quick! I don't wanna be late!" Haechan slightly raised his voice. " Ugh, Mrs Kim is gonna be mad at me for being late-" haechan was cut off when marks lips touched him
Haechan felt it , but just left it alone. Marks hand slowly went down to haechans butt. The kiss was about to get deeper but haechan pulled away , " mark , what the hell! What was that about?" Haechan asked
" Just to make you stop talking. But , haechan , know that I promised that I would always be by your side , right? " Mark asked. Haechan nodded. " After two days , I will be getting my 12,000 won allowance, since I get it every two days , I promise that I will take you to places. Not any place , but fancy and expensive places. I wanna spoil you , baby " mark spoke, not failing to make haechan blush
" Oh okay, mark, I need to go , sorry. I just... can't afford being late to class , you can cause you are class president. Meanwhile, I can't , cause I'm the nerd of the school so just let me go attend my class. I'll see you when I come to the car or maybe during lunch , I don't know " was all haechan said before he left the room. Mark felt guilty of how he hurts haechans heart effortlessly , almost everyday of school.
But mark just left the empty art room and went to class
Haechan was running to Mr Lee class. He opened the door and with his hands on his knees , he panted. " You okay?" Mr Lee asked , everyones head turned to haechan , eyes on him
" I-i I'm fine. Sorry that I'm a bit late " haechan went to his desk and sat down
" No , it's okay. But don't do it again. Anyways , class , now that all the students are here , we are gonna be learning about-" Mr Lee spoke , haechan and jaemin did not hear a single thing that Mr Lee said , that just kept talking. " Haechan , why are you late? You are never late , you are always early " jaemin asked
" Because, uh......nevermind. let's listen to Mr Lee " haechan spoke , started taking notes
Jaemin just rolled his eyes and also started taking notes
"Mark , for lunch , are you gonna be with that noob , haechan?" Jaehyun asked, whispering while mark sits next to him. Before mark could respond , jaehyun spoke " oh nevermind. Why would I ask you that? You , a popular class president be with that noob? No , we never communicate with that thing " jaehyun whispered
Mark just was heartbroken by the words jaehyun called haechan. He called haechan a noob and a low profile thing, it hurt marks heart because he knows that he can't do anything to stop this cause when he does , just more chaos happens in the situation
Before mark knew it , class ended. He was that late that he missed almost the whole class. Mark met haechan again during lunch, he tried to call haechan but the boy ignored mark
While haechan and jaemin left the cafeteria, jaemin reminded haechan about the school show, " haechan , did you forget about the school introduction show?" Jaemin asked
" No , I still remember. but hey , jaemin , I got something to tell you" haechan spoke. Jaemin hummed a yes?. " I will not attend school after the school introduction show day. My family want me to come with them to my sister's wedding "
" Well , congratulations to your sister. Tell her that I said that " jaemin excitedly spoke, slightly jumping up and down
Before haechan could say anything , some girl pushed haechan and he fall hard , one of the girls from the mean girls said " get up yourself, nerd or should I say, noob " the girls giggled a little
Haechan stayed silent, his heart hurt, looking at the girls, his eyes starting to get glassy, no help cause jaemin left when the girl pushed him, and the boy is still on the floor , just letting these girls humiliate him.
Meanwhile, mark and his boys were chatting, walking through the hallway. Mark still worried if he could keep him promise that he made to haechan , while he was thinking , since he was holding a pencil , he suddenly let go of the pencil. The others asked if he was okay but he said that he was fine
Soon , while walking , mark sees three girls humiliate this boy. Mark wondered that why does this boy kinda look like haechan? When he looked again , it is haechan! So mark just started running towards the boy, his friends found it strange but they left him alone and left him alone there
Mark asked haechan " are you okay?". One of the girls said " I'm not okay , because this noob was in my way and I was in a rush "
The girls agreed. Mark helped haechan up and took him somewhere else. Before mark left , he told the girls " don't ever touch haechan or else you're dead "
Ohhh, did mark almost expose their secret relationship?? Find out in the next chapter

Our Secret | markhyuck
Kurzgeschichten" this is our secret , okay?" " yes, it's our secret. our secret " a school nerd and a popular class president boy dating? absolutely Impossible, no one can imagine that a nerd dating the popular class president boy , including their...