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Haechan started crying and ran. Mark chased him. Haechan ran up to the rooftop , crying

Mark opened the door , tried to hold haechans hand but haechan pushed his hand away " leave me alone!" Haechans tears running down his cheeks

" Haechan-" mark got cut off by haechan

" Leave me alone with your stupid stuff! " Haechan yelled , " shouldn't you go and entertain your fan girls? While I go and watch you get girls left and right? "

" Haechan , i-"

" You really don't care about me anymore, all you care about is your girls. It's fine , I'm totally fine with it because I don't you in my life. I don't need a man who breaks my heart in my life , I'm better alone and single. I'd rather die than be with a man who doesn't care about me anymore. You can go back to your girls , I bet they are worried and waiting for you " haechan sobbed , pointing at the rooftop door , signaling that mark should leave

" Haechan , I do care about you. I love you a lot , I don't care about those girls who only want me for my body , meanwhile, you love me for who I am and my personality, not only for my looks. You are special. I love you , haechan , not those girls I don't even know " mark tried to touch haechans hand but haechan pushed marks hand away

" I bet you only love me because you love saying you are taken , not because you actually love me so just leave , I'm sick and tired of someone who is playing with my heart and my feelings " haechan just continued sobbing , feelings hurt , and mark left

Haechan was left alone , crying on the rooftop when his friend, Renjun , came and comforted him

" Are you okay? " Renjun asked

" No " haechan spoke a little before crying again


Mark went into his dorm room , shut the door , sat on the floor in front of the door so that he's blocking anyone from coming in , pulled his legs up to his chest and just started crying

I mean , haechan had a point but it just hurts so bad. Haechan is the only one who truly loves him for who he is , not for body. Haechan is the only good one and mark is scared that if he loses haechan , he is nothing. A nobody.

Mark was originally a cold person , rude , too full of himself , doesn't like to talk or do anything with someone. But when he met haechan , haechan changed mark.

Mark is now a gentle , kind , loving , comforting person. He now communicates without being cold anymore , all because of haechan.

Yuta , who is worried for mark , knocked on the door , hearing mark sobbing. " Mark? Are you okay in there? "

" Leave me alone!" Mark slightly raised his voice

" Are you sure? You don't need me or taeyong to comfort you?" Yuta asked

" I'm fine , just leave me alone. Leave , please " mark spoke

" Okay. Just text me if you need me " yuta stayed there for a few more seconds

" Rarely " mark managed to speak before crying again

Yuta just chuckled and left

Yuta went to taeyong who was waiting and worried for mark. " Is he fine? Is he still crying? " Taeyong asked

" I think he's fine but yeah, he's still crying. I feel sorry for him " yuta spoke. He sat down and drank his iced Americano

Meanwhile, both mark and haechan were still crying


Damn, haechan goes through a lot

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