⛥2 ▪︎ Hate never does any good⛦

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I can't believe Keori's missing and I'm just sitting here looking at the stars. I sighed and got up. I guess I can at least check if Kat has found anything, I haven't checked since yesterday so it may be best. I headed to the stairs and passed the teleporter and the people looking at the stars. I went upstairs and Kat was talking to Foxy. "It's not like she would have went down to the planet without telling anyone. Plus Otso would've seen it." Kat seemed slightly upset or worried. I couldn't blame her since I myself was worried.

"I don't think she would've either but sometimes people do things without saying, and Otso could've overlooked it." Foxy still seemed annoyed and frustrated. "Foxy we'll find her, but it's not like we can just go down without any form of a plan. The planet's dangerous." Foxy looked at me and Kat had already slightly been turned in my direction. "I know that but what form of plan do we need? All we need to do is search a basic area." Foxy was visibly annoyed at the fact we couldn't just go straight down and look for her. Which is reasonable but he, out of all of us, should know that we need a plan. "For one where would she have gone? I mean we don't have the teleporter logs to base our search on so she could be anywhere on the planet by now."

Foxy seemed to think about it and just left without another word. I was tempted to go after him but I don't think it would've been best. "We should just leave him alone for now, he obviously cares for Keori so he's going to be worried." Kat had a low tone and was very clearly worried for Foxy as I was. "Alright, I take it you didn't find anything?" She shook her head. "That's just great. So we aren't even sure if she went down. Thanks I'm going to go check on Toby." I turned and left. Did we ever even tell Toby? Oh well I guess I'll find out. I made it to the workshop area and Toby was with Damion drawing where they usually did.

"Hey Toby" I said it low as I wasn't sure of how he would feel towards me. If he does know he most definitely hates me, and if he doesn't he definitely will when I tell him. "Hey Bonnie, Have you seen Keori? I haven't seen her in a while." I sighed, So no one has told him yet, great! "She's missing, we think she went down to the planet but the cameras cut." He seemed surprised even without facial expressions. He hates me there's no damn way he doesn't. "What do you mean she's missing?" His tone was more worry than anything else. Damion looked scared of me, but also worried. "Nobody had seen her since yesterday, and we've checked the entire ship. She isn't on board." Toby was worried with his lack of expressions it wasn't usually easy to tell but this time it was extremely easy based on body movements alone.

"You lost her, and you probably got her killed!" Toby yelled at me, 'he's not wrong y'know. You most likely got her killed.' He's right, I know I did but it wasn't my fault. "She's not dead Toby, I promise she's going to be fine." Toby didn't seem worried he just seemed mad at this point. "No, you can't just tell me she's going to be fine because you think I'm a child!" Toby was yelling quite loudly and I wouldn't be surprised if the others heard him. Why would he- I don't think he's a child. Do I? "I don't think you're a child nor am I saying that to just make sure you don't worry, I'm sure she's going to be fine!" Toby didn't seem to like that answer any more than any other I could've said. "Sure, you're only saying that so you look better. You're a terrible 'friend'." He emphasized that the 'friend' wasn't really meaning friend. I am a terrible friend but I already know that.

"Just leave me alone!" Toby turned away and I didn't want to upset him any more so I just left. Am I really that worthless of a friend? No, he was just upset he doesn't actually think that. Right? I just stopped thinking about it, it doesn't do any good. "Bonnie what was all that yelling about?" Foxy was loud and obviously slightly worried. "It was nothing I just told Toby Keori was missing and he got mad." Foxy seemed to calm down and seemed to like that answer. "Oh, well I can't blame him. You should get going to whatever important thing you were doing." Why the hell does he seem so agitated? It's probably just because I lost Keori.

I went back to what I was doing, which was walking. I didn't have anything that I was explicitly doing, I was just walking. Eventually I made my way back to the charging area. It was dark and I just sat down on the ground. 'You really can't do anything right can you? First you got Acron killed, you lost Keori, and now everyone hates you. You should just leave. It'd be better for everyone.' "Puppet just leave me alone." I looked at the knitting stuff. I guess I could try that. I got up and picked up some thread. I have no clue how to do this- oh well.

⚝948 words⚝
★roughly 6 days taken to write★
♡roughly 1 day to edit♡
♥︎final edit on June 30th♥︎

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