"Bonnie why can't we go down! I am obviously strong enough to fight off anyone on the planet, and if we wait any longer then she will be gone!" Foxy was getting on my nerves about going to the planet. I understand his rush but he should've understood that we can't go rushing on the planet. "Foxy please, I know what you feel like but we can't go rushing down." "No Bonnie, no you do not." He said it stern, Fuck it if he wants to it won't hurt will it?
"Fine Foxy, go tell the others we're going down and get whatever you'll need. I'll be by the teleporter." Foxy seemed surprised but relieved and he quickly turned to go to the others. This is probably a mistake but oh well. I turned and went to the charging area as I had my gun and all there. When I got there I grabbed my gun and put it in the holster. 'There's something wrong with the teleporter, you can't go Bonnie.' "Puppet weather that's the truth or not it won't hurt us and if it does oh well I'll probably deserve it." I'd deserve any pain that came my way at this point. I grabbed my signal tuner and went back to the teleporter. I leaned on the wall and looked out the window at the stars.
'You would be better off just going back to your universe.' "I know I would, but I can't leave them." Why couldn't I leave them? I guess I was that loyal but why was I? I slid down to the floor and kept my legs bent to my chest. Freddy was my best friend, and I ruined it. I lost my best friend because I was that stupidly loyal to them. My ears went down and I held my legs. I looked back out the window hoping to clear my mind.
I'm surprised I haven't ever actually just looked out at them. I heard footsteps approaching and I got up, making sure my ears were up and I seemed normal. Foxy and Kat walked in with Kat going to put in the coordinates. "You have everything?" Foxy asked quickly and I just thought, I shouldn't need anything else. "Yep." Foxy and me stepped onto the teleporter. "Ready?" Kat asked low it wasn't really a question. I didn't bother verbally responding I was still thinking too much on Freddy. God I miss him why the hell did I ever cause that stupid fight. While thinking the thought of Evil Freddy slipped into my mind. I made Freddy feel like he'd end up like him, didn't I? Me and Foxy nodded and she teleported us to the planet.
There was a flash of white, then I fell and could barely see. What the hell I barely held myself up on my hands and knees. The floor was hard and it obviously wasn't the planet so where the hell was I? I tried to look up but I could barely move. Everything hurt and my eyes started glitching. That's not good... I quickly fell and my systems shut down.
Foxy's point of view
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After the flash went away I went to ask if Bonnie was ok, he wasn't great with teleporters yet. "Bonnie are you-" I stopped after seeing he wasn't there. Where the hell is he "Bonnie?" I said loud but not very worried, I heard Kat through my signal tuner. "Foxy is everything alright down there? Bonnie won't answer his signal tuner." Kat sounded slightly worried but it wasn't very apparent through her robotic tone. I took my signal tuner out and clicked the talk button. "Kat Bonnie's not here!"
"What do you mean he's not there? Did he get teleported somewhere else?" I looked around, there was only a 10 yard radius that he could've teleported within. Lucky enough we teleported to a large 23 yard wide clearing. Unfortunately I couldn't see him anywhere. "No, he isn't on the ship?" Kat took a moment to respond. "No." Her answer was solemn and low. Where could he have gone? I wasn't late teleporting was I? No couldn't have been. I started to look for him and any sign of Keori near me.
There wasn't any sign of any life that I could see. I took my signal tuner out again, "Kat there's no sign of Keori or him teleport me back up we need to plan." Kat went to say something then paused. "But you didn't want to make a plan to look for Keori? Why do you suddenly want to make a plan?" Is she trying to say I don't care for Bonnie? "Kat we need a plan both of them are missing and we need to find them."
I heard Kat sigh then I was teleported back up. Kat looked at me and Keeva was behind her. Seeming worried seeing only me. "Where's Bonnie?" She asked with worry in her voice. "He went through the teleporter with me but he didn't get teleported to the same place I did." Keeva looked surprised and I couldn't blame her I didn't understand it either. "So now we have a missing Bonnie and a missing Keori?" I nodded and Kat was looking through the teleporter. "I think this would be a job for Otso, I understand teleporters but this isn't right, it's all glitched out and the code is wrong." I looked at Kat confused and she gestured for me to look at the code.
I walked beside her and she was right the code didn't look like code at all. Everything was messed up, how could Otso have missed this? Then as to speak of the devil Otso appeared in front of us and the teleporter. "What's a job for me?" Otso took a sip of his drink. "The teleporter is messed up." He stepped to look and he seemed confused. "It looks like someone messed up while coding it to go through dimensions. Like a portal."
⚝1,031 words⚝
★roughly 1 day taken to write★
♡roughly 1 hour to edit♡
♥︎final edit on June 30th♥︎

The Untold Story
Fanfic□~~This is a FNaF Adventures fan made story which I will try to update every other day and/or every day. ----- □~~Trigger warnings ◇▪︎Strong Language ◇▪︎Mentions of abuse and abuse ◇▪︎Mentions or depictions of death [as well as child death], anxiety...