𝟎𝟏𝟓 - 𝐯𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐞 𓆉

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the group had planned for the day that they were gonna go on a helicopter tour but it was later in the day so for now they were just chilling in the hotel room

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the group had planned for the day that they were gonna go on a helicopter tour but it was later in the day so for now they were just chilling in the hotel room.

"i'm kind of hungry," val spoke.

"me too, do you guys wanna go get breakfast?" madi asked and everybody agreed except for annie.

"i'm too tired" annie groaned as she was still laying in bed.

"if anything we can go and bring you something back?" madi offered.

"you don't have to," annie said.

"no we will don't worry" matt insisted.

"wait don't spend any money on i'll send some to you" annie said sitting up and grabbing her phone.

"annie do you want me to stay with you?" chris asked.

"uh, sure" she said with a smile and as he sat down next to her.

"chris you're staying?" nick asked and he nodded.

"yea, get me something too and i'll eat before we go." chris told them.

"alright see you guys later," matt said walking out the door with val, madi, amelia and nick behind him.

"so, i know you're tired but do you wanna maybe go down to the beach for a little?" chris asked assuming annie would say yes since he really wanted to go but she shook her head.

"i just wanna stay here." annie said as he gave her a face.

"annie please." chris begged but she still said no.

"chris i don't wanna go." she said with a slightly stern tone in her voice.

"can you just come to the beach with me?" chris whined getting slightly annoyed.

"chris i'm tired no." annie said basically repeating herself.

"why do you always do this shit?" chris got angry and stood up as annie gave him a confused look.

"what shit, chris?" annie got up standing in front of him.

"you never do anything i wanna do. even when we were closer you never did anything i wanted to do." chris said with an angered tone.

"what? you're being insane right now. who's ass did you pull that out of? whenever you wanted to do something i always went with you and i had no problem with it! " annie yelled at chris.

"not fucking true annie, i'm your best friend and i'm always the second option to you even though i've been by your side since day 1 and even when i hated you i was there." chris yelled back.

"you're being so unreasonable right now, i always do whatever you want to do and you've never been the second option towards me. you've always been my number one choice. you should know this chris i dont even know why you're acting like this!" annie argued confused on what chris was even yelling to her about.

"honestly, i dont even know why i tried becoming friends with you again. you're still the same bitch who left me all alone in sophomore year. i can't believe i was so blind." chris continued on his tangent.

"chris you're being insane." annie said turning around as he walked away.

"whatever annie, fuck you." chris said and then left the room leaving the girl alone with her thoughts.

chris didn't even have anywhere to go, he obviously couldn't drive so he just roamed the whole hotel until everybody else came back.

annie was more confused than upset. chris had never acted like this and she had no clue why he was no. not even 5 minutes ago he was being all sweet and offering to say in the hotel room with her so she wouldn't be alone and now he's telling her she's a bitch and that he hates her?

she immediately texts madi to see when they're coming back because she desperately needed a distraction from her thoughts.

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𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐢🎀 - 𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐢
𝐧𝐢𝐚𝐚𝐚🩵 - 𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐞

pls answer
when r u guys
coming back?

in like 10
why? are
u ok?

yea i'm fine

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the group finally got there and was confused when annie was sitting on the bed alone just scrolling on her phone. madi was the first one to go up to her and ask if she was okay.

"hey what happened?" madi said and annie just shook her head.

"i'll tell you later." annie said and madi nodded not wanting to force angry hung out of her.

"annie where's chris?" nick asked and annie just looked down.

"uhm, i don't know." she replied quietly.

"did he tell you where he was going?" matt asked and she shook her head no.

"oh, okay i'll just text him." matt said in a confused tone as he pulled out his phone and texted chris.

"here you go," madi said handing annie her food.

"thanks madi," annie said quietly but with a fake smile on her face.

after annie finished eating she got ready while everybody else waited for her and chris. chris hadn't even come back yet so matt went out go look for him.

"i'm ready," annie come out with a huge smile pretending like everything was fine.

"wait where did matt go?" val asked looking around because she didn't see him leave.

"he left to go look for chris." nick said and val nodded.

"did something happen when we left?" val went up and asked noticing that annie seemed to be acting different.

"uh, no i'm fine val." annie reassured her and gave her a slight smile.

"oh, okay" val said and then walked away.

chris finally got back and the group was ready to go but they all noticed the same thing, there was tension in the air again. madi already knew exactly what was going on she could tell. annie being silent, chris not being there with her. they had gotten into an argument.

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this chapter took me forever to finish bc aubree kept talking.
anyway it's time for crash and burnt heartbreak era☺️
don't hate me bc i love u
also originally this was based on mr. perfectly fine by taylor but vampire by olivia rodrigo seemed more intense and fitting

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