Chapter 16: The Leaving Feast

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All was darkness and cold. He felt warmth above him, so he started pushing up toward it. With the warmth also came light - very dim at first, but then he broke through some barrier and was in direct sunlight. As his eyes adjusted and he saw that he was a plant emerging from the earth.

"Good afternoon, Neville."

It was Dumbledore's voice. Neville rubbed his eyes, and looked again to see where he was. He could now see where he truly was, and realized he was in a Hospital bed with Dumbledore sitting beside him.

"When did you get back?" Neville asked, "What happened last night? I must have been knocked unconscious."

"If you do not mind, I will answer your questions backward, it will be less confusing that way," Dumbledore suggested. "Yes, you were rendered unconscious but it was not last night, it was a week ago. You see, the Leaving Feast is later tonight. So, when you asked what happened last night, I believe you meant what happened last week."

"It's been a whole week?" Neville was suddenly feeling very disoriented.

"Yes, it has been a whole week." He paused to give Neville another moment to adjust. "As for what happened that night, as you had previously guessed, Professor Quirrell was attempting to steal the Sorcerer's Stone. Harry, Ron and Hermione tried to stop him, although they thought that Professor Snape was trying to steal it. But then you marshaled much of the teaching staff and succeeded where the others had failed."

"I didn't marshal them, I just tagged along." Neville thought it was ridiculous that Dumbledore was trying to boost his confidence with such an exaggeration, but it did make him feel better.

"Nonetheless, you did make it all happen." Dumbledore smiled and then steepled his fingers. "But I have still not finished answering your question. Professor Quirrell was struck by four different Spells simultaneously, and will be residing at St. Mungo's Hospital for the foreseeable future. The soul of Voldemort had been possessing Professor Quirrell and, when forced out of his body, he fled for safety. As he passed through you it clearly affected you, however, I believe that it likely weakened Voldemort as well."

This was a lot to take in and Neville just ended up with more questions. "So, what about the Stone? You kept it here even after you knew someone was trying to steal it - I told you about that myself. Besides, all of those obstacles were clearly simple enough to get past; Harry, Ron and Hermione managed it"

"Neville, don't underestimate the potential of your classmates, or yourself for that matter." Dumbledore gave him another smile. "The Stone was always safer here than it was at Gringotts. If you remember, there was a theft attempt at Gringotts just before the School Year began. The vault that was broken into was where the Stone was being kept, and it was most likely Professor Quirrell who made the attempt. It was safer here because I devised a rather clever way to prevent the wrong person from getting it, and I am actually rather proud of it. You see, it was hidden in that mirror, but it could only be taken by someone who wanted to get it but not use it."

"But the Mirror was broken, does that mean the Stone is lost?" Neville asked.

"Clearly not as impressive as I thought," Dumbledore quipped. "No, Mr. Potter was able to retrieve it before you all arrived. The Stone has been returned to my friend, Mr. Flamel. He is making just enough Elixir to put his affairs in order, and then I will help him destroy it."

Neville considered this, then said, "I'm sorry you'll be losing your friend."

"Thank you for your compassion, Neville. It is clearly one of your greatest strengths." Dumbledore added, "You do not need to be sad about it though, after all, to the well organized mind, death is but the next great adventure."

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