But your immortal and I'm.. | Lamber

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But your immortal and I'm..
Modern AU, Angst, ends with fluff
Credits to ThatChongyunMain
Lamber ( Layla x Amber, Rare Pair )
This chapter is based off of a conversation me and ThatChongyunMain had where we figured since Layla is an elf and elves are immortal, that it would make a good angst.

Amber hated what she was about to do, but she had to do it. Her hands gripped her phone, as she waited for Layla to arrive.

She wiped the clear tears off her face with her free hand, she heard footsteps approach the bench she was sitting at. As they got closer she felt her body tense up, taking a deep breath shw turned around to face her lover, Layla.

Layla seemed happy today, a huge grin on her face, Amber already regretted what she was about to do.

" Layla I think we should break up."

Amber watched Layla's face turn from a happy grin, to shocked, tears slowly forming in the corner of her eyes.

" Why?"

Layla whispered, her words jumbled from the tears forcing their way out of her eyes. Her heart shattered as she watched Layla cry, but she had to go through with the plan.

" I just think we're not cut out for each other, maybe it's best we stop seeing each other."

Layla slowly nodded her head, she didn't want to irritate Amber. She wiped her tears away with her hands, her vision was already fogged from her tears.

Layla thanked Amber for their time together during their relationship, Amber didn't say anything as Layla spoke, ashamed of her actions but understanding it was for a good reason.

Amber's entire reasoning behind what she had done was to protect Layla, because since Amber was mortal and Layla was immortal the inevitable demise would come one day. A person can get over a break up more easier then death, because at least their still alive.

Amber knew how Layla was, if she were to die during the course of their relationship Layla most likely wouldn't be able to get over it. She understood how smart Layla was, but she doubted Layla would be able to get over that loss.


Layla laid on her bed, bundled up in a few of her blankets, half mindlessly scrolling through her phone while her mind kept replaying the scene from earlier. Her grip on her phone tighten, she found herself crying again, her tears rolling onto her bedsheets.

She mumbled something having to wash her bedding later. She lazily lift herself up with her arms, throwing her phone beside her.

She grabbed onto her pillow, hugging it, trying to bring her some comfort, but to no avail she still felt lonely. She looked at her phone that she threw beside her, picking it up, she opened up her's and Amber's messages.

She wanted to message Amber, but everytime she tried to type something she deleted it. What does someone say in this situation?

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