Dead girl walking| Shentao

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This a rare pair created by my fruity tic tac mix, Walmart fruit section, fruity pebbles friend, also known as Percy, also known as the number one Amber lover. ThatChongyunMain

Dead girl walking
No au, I wrote this late at night with a lack of sleep, prepare yourself for more rare pair chapters.
Shentao ( Shenhe x Hu Tao )

Hu Tao has NO rizz.

The concept of death was something the exorcist had never thought too hard on, which was strange considering her career. But then again with her way of living, the red ropes that held tightly around her, she never had a reasoning to think on that. So safe to say she wasn't interested when a certain director had first approached her. ' Hello there!' The very overly energetic director greeted, holding a hand up for Shenhe to shake, which was not returned.

Now some what annoyed, Shenhe did not have the intentions of socializing today, but something about the director pulled her in, she couldn't help but feel drawn in by her demeanor. ' How can I help you?' Shenhe questioned, looking down so she could meet the eyes of who she was talking too. She was told that was the respectful thing to do before by Ganyu.

' Ah, you're Shenhe, no?' Hu Tao swung her arm back down to her side after skawrdly holding her hand up in the air for a solid 30 seconds. ' Yes.' Shenhe also knew who the woman she was talking too was, she had heard about her a lot from people like Ganyu and Yanfei. The director was unmistakable, no one else had eyes like  hers. Shenhe took those into detail, she'd never seen anything like them. ' I was wondering if I could question you, privately, in my office.' 

There was a slight change in tone at the end of her sentence, but what would Hu Tao need with her? ' Question me about what?' Maybe their affiliations aligned slightly but it still made no sense, still she accepted the detail, keeping her guard up meanwhile. ' You'll see.'

Sitting across from the director, she watched as the director shimmied around in her chair, trying to fix her posture. '  Thank you for agreeing Shenhe.' Hu Tao placed one of her hands on the desk, tapping at it ever so slowly. ' You're welcome now, what's so important that you had to talk to me in private.' The director paused, her hands fastening their pace as they tapped against the desk, creating a 'taptaptap' noise throughout the room, the only sound as the two locked eyes. 

' Struggle on picking up hints?' Hu Tao asked, leaning back in her chair, maintaining eye contact. 'Hints for what?' Shenhe questioned, watching as Hu Tao jumped out of her chair and walked behind her, one of her hands laying on the exorcist's shoulders. ' You're either extremely innocent or stupidly oblivious.' Hu Tao teased, her tone of voice caused the exorcist to feel warm, but she couldn't place her finger on it.

' Why's it so hot in here?' She asked, trying to cool herself off with her cryo vision. ' Oh honey it's not hot in here,' Hu Tao knelt down so she could whisper into Shenhe's ear, 'you're flustered.' The director's words wrapped around the exorcist's ear. ' I don't know what that word means but I think you're right?' 

Hu Tao smirked, her hand slipping down onto Shenhe's collarbone but before she could continue whatever she was planning to do the two were interrupted by a loud knock on the door, causing the director to jump back as the door opened. ' Miss Hu we have a client and they requested you specifically.' A man stood in the frame of the door, his eyes traveling over to his boss's company.

' Oh, hello there it seems your busy I'll talk to-' He was brushed off by Hu Tao, ' No no, a client's wishes must never go unmet, Zhongli tell them I'll be right there.' When the man was out of sight she turned too the other woman. ' Return tomorrow and we should we able to have a,' she paused for a second, locking her eyes on Shenhe, 'proper conversation and also I'll explain things better then.' She held her hand out to the exorcist and let her out of the funeral parlor.

' I'll see you tomorrow maybe!' She shot the exorcist a quick smile before closing the door behind her. Shenhe placed her hands on her face, noticing how warm it was. She couldn't have a cold though, she had a rather strong immune system. She'd have to ask Cloud Retainer about it later. 

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