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Megami had nearly chewed a hole straight through her arm stocking. Sharing a ride with Ayano. Sharing a ride with AYANO! her mind screamed in agony, causing her to bite down on her knuckle again. This time she damaged the lace material. She could care less. She'd mangle her own flesh if she had to, all to cap the discomfort and panic from rising in her body. 

She sat at the opposite end of the limo from Ayano, constantly shifting her weight in the genuine leather seats. Her silver eyes stabbed through the raven-haired girl like hateful daggers. Her very core shook in fury, and only worsened when reminding herself that there was nothing she could do about any of this. She couldn't believe she had to submit to this "favor".  

FAVOR. There was no such word in Megami's vocabulary. There were no such thing as "favors". You either requested and hoped it'd be accepted, or it didn't happen at all. Favors existed everywhere in the school. Students performing special tasks for another and then being rewarded and paid with underground benefits. The most popular "payment" were panty shots being taken and sold. 

The idea of some audacious mongrel sneaking their phone up a girl's skirt and snapping illicit pictures sent a chill through Megami and made her cross her legs, feeling violated just thinking about it. She could only imagine what she'd do if she caught a peer attempting to slide their phone in-between her legs. 

They'd wake up in the hospital, she told herself. God help the dumb bastard who dared attempt this on the Akademi Queen. Nevertheless she was determined to put an end to this atrocious "photography" going on. Her next action was cracking down on all the favors happening in school. 

The fact that Ayano's temerity expected Megami to just comply. Her entitlement got on Megami's last nerve. She kept gazing at the girl. Ayano hadn't returned Megami's stare. She was too preoccupied with her phone, sliding through the many pictures of Taro—Senpai—that she had taken without his knowledge. They were snapped through the course of the week, ranging from going to his locker, to simply eating lunch on the rooftop with his red-headed friend. 

Ayano wished to garrote this other girl with her own obnoxiously long hair. To calm her nerves, she flipped to another image of Taro chewing his food. I wouldn't mind eating after him. I'd eat straight from his mouth. His very saliva is precious to me...She fantasized about kissing him and sucking his lips clean. 

Her own mouth began to salivate as her tongue lightly wetted her lips. Megami watched this weird girl's actions with great concern. She's such a Goddamned freak, her mind thought, making her wonder again on why her father freely invited her to this party that many people paid him thousands to get into. 

Ayano's concentration cut off when she heard the sounds of something large and mechanical. A tall, shiny gate was opening, allowing the polished vehicle onto the Saikou property. Ayano's eyes widened in interest as she stared out the tinted windows. The property was divine, the grass was the deepest color of green. There were neatly trimmed trees lined up and surrounding a number of statues and fountains. She didn't get to view it all for very long before the limo passed on through and entered the side of the castle-looking building. 

Both girls eventually felt the limo come to a stop. Being closest to the door, Megami reached for its handle, eager to get far away from Ayano. A gentleman wearing white gloves carefully opened the door for his passengers. Megami practically jumped for the exit. With her mind moving faster than her legs, she instantly stumbled and fell onto the stone ground below. Trained in the highest martial arts, and here she was taking a bad fall. She fumed and grunted in extreme frustration and embarrassment, her knee stockings now torn. 

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