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Note: This story is a REWRITE. An old pal of mine originally wrote this story years ago on another site, and they've been wanting it redone for a while now. However, they no longer have the inspiration (or time) to write anymore, and gave me permission to do this. (love you, boo). Also, do be aware that the original story was written way before YanderDev added more lore to his game, so many things aren't going to line up with the game's canon (I mean DUH, it's a fanfic lol).

Also, this story WILL get graphic with strong sexual themes. Leave now if you do not wish to view this.

With all this established, we hope you enjoy this!


Megami stood at the foot of the enormous room's entrance, maintaining her composure quite fairly. She was an expert in standing her ground, trained since birth to seize confrontation by its horns and slay it. She was to always come out on top—what she was expected to accomplish as a Saikou, especially if she were to take her rightful place as CEO someday in the future. The family throne tolerated no weakness. 

There were only less than a handful of people in the world who could impinge her regal poise, one who was occupying this very room across from her. "Father, you can't be serious . . ." she started, already feeling one of her laced hands tangle in a mess of nervous fingers. 

The man had his back to her in slight disregard. Her father, harsh mentor, was the reason for her magnificent success. It was he whom she owed it all to, the leader of the most powerful Corporation in Japan who wasn't shy in expressing his doubts and hesitation with appointing Megami as his heiress, depending on her prosperity. He excelled in every test and obstacle that'd challenge him in life, and Megami only mirrored these fulfillments. What more could a mentor expect? There was however one thing he failed to excel in and never would; succeeding the role of an actual father.  

It was only natural for Megami to address him by this title, but he accepted the term for only so long before redirecting the girl to the much more proper (and preferred) alternative; Sir. Unless granted special permission, this was the classification everyone beneath him must follow. Few were given the opportunity to use his last name. It was exceptionally rare to hear his first. 

No matter what entitlement he claimed, he made one important aspect apparent; he was the perfect business man, not a father. Megami pushed her luck every time when choosing her vocabulary. She knew not of what a real father was, but had no care in the world to find out. That wasn't important. What's important was business and the Saikou Corp. Not even Megami held anyone sacred. Family tradition. She wasn't one to be coddled and sympathized. 

There was perhaps maybe one time in her life where curiosity ebbed on the matter. It was when visiting the park with her caretakers as a girl. Despite bearing a young developing mind, Megami still shared very little interests with children of the norm. The park was usually a bore after only a short period of time, and this particular day had been no different. She was ready to return to the sanctuary of one of her family's many limousines when she spied another girl close to her age, a "peasant" in her standards. She was playing with a large white ball in the park's center. The child would toss it to a man Megami assumed was her father, and something rusty inside the rich girl loosened.  

The child threw it hard with a miniature grunt as to show off, and her father exaggerated in catching it, purposely falling to the ground as to emphasize his daughter's apparent "strength". The two shared silly laughs before he picked her up and swung her around affectionately. Megami felt little as she watched, but she had heard something, a particular word.

"Daddy!" the girl had squealed in elation. Her father responded with raw emotions of pure happiness, and Megami wondered what that was like. Innocent of this special bond that normal families shared, she concocted an idea in her small mind. When back home later that day, she used this special word on her own father during the rare instances where she caught brief glimpses of him. 

The outcome wasn't quite the same as the one from the park. Her grandfather had been there, sitting tensely in his wheelchair. He casted an offended eye at his grown son, expecting him to get this unruly child under control and corrected. Her father ended up sending her to her room for the rest of the day, but Megami would never understand what she'd done wrong to deserve punishment, until she matured with her sophistication. And she finally comprehended—there were no such things as parents, only mentors. She was the product of the CEO's genes and had to pick up the family business. That was the only importance. 

"And you're not mistaking her for someone el—"

"Megami, I do not make mistakes." her father injected with forced composure, but even then she saw his fist strengthen its grip around his crystal wine glass, "If you distrust my carefully-directed plans, how am I to trust you with my corporation?" He'd yet to face her, and Megami bit her lip anxiously, wishing she could take back her words. 

"Trust is earned, and it looks like you'll be having to earn mine back. Until then it looks like I must return to treating you like a helpless child again." he stated. Megami's heart dropped. The mere thought of being spied on to make sure she fulfilled this task was humiliating, and she opened her mouth to protest, then reminded herself that this would only make things worse. 

She lowered her head, eyes fixed on the expensive hand-crafted carpet under her equally-expensive footwear. 

"Yes sir." she complied. She took one last stare at the small, delicate envelope entrusted in her possession. It was to be delivered to a particular student who attended her school. Her silver eyes grazed the repulsive name it was addressed to;

Ayano Aishi 

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