chapter 1

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- i honestly hate reading but i guess i'll try this out! 3rd person i think..

Will woke up to the breeze of the wind on a halloween night. He slowly opened his eyes to check his clock on the nightstand. "oh shit!" He groaned and got up off his bed fastly and went into the bathroom connected to his room. He Splashed water on his face to wake him up. He went back into his room and put some deodorant on. Then put on a light grey t-shirt with a black leather jacket and some black jeans.

Joyce knocked on his door. "Yea??" He questioned trying to find the paper for the party he was going to with Mike. Will search a stack of papers and finally found it. He shoved the invite into the pocket of his jacket. "Will honey, are sure you want to go to the party?" His mom asked him. "Yes mom, i'll be fine stop babying me." He opened the rolled his eyes. His mom looked hurt at him. "sorry, i'm in a rush." Joyce just nodded and went back on the couch to watch her movie. "remember be back home before one thirty!" Joyce told will. "Mhm." Will just smiled and nodded at his mom.

After a few moments of texting his friend Max. Will slipped on a pair of shoes when he heard the honk of Mikes car. "Bye mom love you!" Will said opening and closing the door. He smiled and looked up at mike wearing a black shirt and black jeans with some rings on.

Mike had bought stupid sports car cause he thought it would make him look cool and impress. Will got into Mikes car. "I still think this car was a waste of money." Will giggled. "Yeah whatever, We're late buckle your self. Will buckled himself as Mike started going down the road. "Go slower there's kids trick or treating!" Will said sternly at mike and slapped him on his arm. "okay, ow!" Mike slowed down and rubbed his arm with a hand. "I didn't not slap you that hard!" Will chuckled as the pulled up at the house where the party was placed.

Mike and Will got out of the car. They both walked up to the door and opened it to see sweaty drunk people
all round the room. "Mike follow me." Will said as he walk towards the rest of their friends. "hii guys!" Will announced that him and mike was there. "oh hi will and mike!" Max smiled. The rest said there hellos and started to continue on their conversations. "I'll get some drinks." Mike smiled. "okay." Will replied to mike. Will leaned on a wall while Mike went and got "pure fuel" a guy called it. Wills eyes slightly widened happy that Mike came back.

"here." Mike gave will a cup. "what's in this?" He questioned, "pure fuel" Mike giggled. "wha- okay." They drank their cups filled with alcohol. Will got more and more each time he finished another cup. "hey, hey that's enough." Mike said sternly to Will. "noooo~" he hiccuped. "cmon will." he tried to pull the cup out of wills hand but instead it spilled on wills shirt. "ugh!"

Will stomped to the bathroom. "Will! Stop." Mike chased after him. He'd grab a white towel and rub on his shirt trying to get it off. Mike walked in the closed the door behind them. "it's not going to come off will.." mike said. "it coming.." he said drunkly, he rubbed his shirt harder. "i told you to drinking-" Mike got cut off by will. "bullshit." "it's not bullshit will-" he reassured will. "ugh." will dropped to the floor. "woah woah-" Mike 
thought he fell but realized he was just slumping onto the floor. Mike across will leaving his legs laying onto the bathroom floor. They sat there in silence until mike spoke again.

"will.." mike finally said. "huh?" will respond confused. "we should go home." Mike asked but also  demanding a little. "i don't want to get up." Will dropped his head looking down. "cmon willy," Mike grunted getting up. He pull up will by his arms and carried him out the bathroom. Mike took him back to the car, buckling will down onto the seat. He went to the drivers said and buckled himself and started the engine. "ready?" Mike asked will. Will didn't respond so he looked over to his way to find him asleep. "oh okay.." He started driving off to the Byers residence.

Mike arrived to the house and carried will again. He took the keys out of wills pocket and opened the door. He brought them inside and closed the door behind them. Will groaned in his sleep which made mike pause for a second. Mike took him to his room and placed him onto the bed. He sat down next to will and took off wills shoes and jacket. Mike was about to leave but then will said, "mike... stay." "oh uhm okay.. where do i sleep." Mike asked. "with.. me.." he said half asleep. "uhh okay." Mike took off his jacket and shoes then tossed them onto the floor. He climbed into the bed next to will. He turned around facing the other way of will making their backs touch. Will turned around and hugged Mike from the back. Mike blushed and smiled. He fell asleep smiling thinking about Will.

- 906 words


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2023 ⏰

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