Perception Is Reality

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Originally Published on AO3 03 Jun 2019


Charlotte didn't think that her relationship with Henry was out of the ordinary until people started commenting on it. It started with a nonchalant remark from a stranger.

After midterms were over Henry, Jasper and Charlotte decided to reward themselves on a job probably well done with breakfast from Denny's. Pancakes could soothe the soul.

As usual, Charlotte sat with Henry on one side of the booth while Jasper sat on the other side alone. After giving their drink orders, Jasper told them that he had to go to the restroom.

When he was gone the waiter brought out their drinks and set down their straws. Charlotte immediately stole Henry's straw so that she could put it in his drink.

If she didn't, he would definitely peel off the bottom and blow the wrapper directly at her face. He had been doing it since they were little kids and he once hit her right in the eye. Over the years, Charlotte started taking his straw to prevent it from happening again. It was habit. She didn't really think about how others would perceive it.

Noticing the interesting quirk between the two of them the waiter said breezily, "Wow, you guys are a gorgeous couple." To determine why this comment was made so confidently, Char took inventory of their circumstances.

They were sitting closely, pressed together from shoulder to knee, on the same side of the booth. Henry had his left arm draped on the cushion above her shoulder. AND she had just unwrapped a straw and placed it in his cup. It was a weirdly intimate action.

Okay. I see how this looks. Charlotte thought. But before she could tell them that they were just friends, Henry beat her to the punch.

He stammered out an awkward "Thanks, but we're not- she and I aren't- uuhhhh" while taking the hand that was previously behind her and using it to rub the back of his neck.

Jasper had been approaching the table when the comment was made and reached them during Henry's rambled fumbling. "Wait, you guys are together again?" Jasper inquired with a hint of an excitement.

Trying to prevent the moment from dragging on any further, Charlotte spoke up "Not dating. Best friends." Not her most eloquent, but it got the point across to their server and to their nosy best friend.

The waiter simply let out a quiet, "My mistake" and asked what everyone was having to eat. Jasper grumbled under his breath about them. "Aw man, I thought my ship was sailing again."


Henry and Charlotte were on the couch in his living room. They had taken a break from studying and were just talking while munching on roasted almonds.

Somehow he had maneuvered so that his head was resting atop Charlotte's thighs. She absentmindedly carded her fingers through his hair as they discussed any and every thing.

As Charlotte expertly twisted and twirled her fingers through his blond locks Henry closed his eyes and groaned lowly in pleasure.

This is the position they were discovered in an hour later when Siren walked through the front door with groceries. Henry was snoring lightly and Charlotte was now holding a book with one hand and playing in his hair with the other.

"That is so cute!" Henry's mother whisper-yelled while taking her phone out to snap a photo of the pair.

This caused Charlotte to whip her head in Siren's direction and then adamantly shake her head in protest. We are not dating! She screamed in her mind. She didn't want to talk in fear of waking Henry up. He especially needed the rest lately.

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