Don't Dress Up As My Enemy

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Originally Published on AO3 20 Feb 2020


"So what should we be for Halloween this year?" Henry asks Charlotte who was at the monitor. "I was thinking like Sandy and Danny from Grease or even better, Brittany and Justin in those denim outfits. I look gooooodddd in denim."

"I do look great in denim. But no" she answers.

"Alright, what about the Disney route? Princess Tiana and Prince Naveen?"

"Uhhhh..." Charlotte hesitates.

"Ariel and Eric?"

Charlotte turns away from what she was looking at and spins the chair around to face Henry who is sitting on the couch. She shakes her head.

"John Lennon and Yoko Ono? You like the Beatles, right?"

"Yeah the Beatles are cool. But something's off."

"Off? What do you mean by off?" Henry wonders.

"I don't know, I just don't like those options. Any other suggestions?"

"Okkkkk...How about the Joker and Harley Quinn?"

"Eww no, their whole dynamic was toxic" Char replies instantly.

"Oh! How about Barbie and Ken? We are totally hot enough to pull that off!"

"Yeeaaahh I don't think so. Anything else?"

"Wow you're being so picky this year. What about Red and Abe from Us? Super scary. Plus red jumpsuits and scissors should be easy enough."

"That would be pretty simple to put together but it's not doing it for me."

"Well do you have any ideas?" Henry poses exasperatedly.

At that moment the elevator opens and Jasper pops out. "Guys, guess what I got?"

"A snake?" "A new bucket?" They respond simultaneously.

"No! It's wands! I figured that we could be Harry Potter characters for Halloween this year. Charlotte can be Harry!"

"Jasper!" Char exclaims. "That's what was missing! None of those choices had a good option for him, that's why I didn't like them."

"What are we talking about?" Jasper asks curiously.

"Nothing, Henry was just suggesting different costumes for us but they were only for two people" she clarifies.

Jasper turns to Henry, "You didn't include me in your planning?"

Looking like a deer caught in the headlights Henry stammers out, "No, buddy! I totally thought about you!"

"Really?" Jasper asks Henry with an eyebrow raised. "Hey Charlotte, name one of the ideas he gave you."

"Barbie and Ken."

"The iconic duo. Anything else?"

"Ummm...guys I don't think that this-"

"No Char, I want to know. What was another option?" Jasper asks seriously.

Charlotte sighs but decides to answer his question. "Tiana and Naveen. The main characters from the Princess and the Frog."

"Oh really?" Jasper looks back at Henry who is now looking guilty. "And who was I going to be Hen?"

Henry looks everywhere expect at Jasper. "Louis the Alligator?"

"Louis the- wowww okay. If you didn't want to dress up with me this year dude you could've just said something."

"Of course I want to dress up with you! I just forgot. Temporarily."

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