love at first sight

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hey guys! I decided to make another story cause no one was reading the other one... so i hope I get more results with this one.


Lilly's p.o.v

I was walking passed James in the hallway when I ran into him... ",hey Lilly sorry for running into you. " " no Its all right." my hearts starting to beat faster... I wonder why? " anyways I gotta go talk to some of my friends, b-" I got cut off.. why did he cut me off??? " wait there's something I wanna tell you.." "what is it?" I wonder what he's gonna say.. oh Damn! my face is turning red...... I hope he doesn't notice..

"well.. I've liked you for a long time.. and I wanted to know if you wanted to go on a date tomorrow?" omg! I can't believe what James just said! he likes me... wow.. I'm so happy!!!!

"sure, how about 1:00. sound good?" "sure,see you then. I'll pick you up around 12:50" "Ok." then he kissed me on the cheek and said bye... I can't believe what just happened!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy!!

the next day...

I heard the door bell ring, and ran to the door.. yay!! James is here!!! " hey Lilly. ready 2 go?" James asked so sweetly. I swear... he is so sexy!!! "yup. where are we going?" "it's a surprise." "awww.... Ok..." I hate surprises.... I just hope its a good one. James took my hand and held it with his. we walked a bit until we got to a forest. "why are we here?" "you'll see." oh great.. more walking.. but I'm happy I get to walk wit him holding hands.

about 7 or so minutes later, he told me to close my eyes. and I did just that. he put his hands on my shoulders and gently guided me forward. "you can open your eyes now" I slowly opened my eyes and there right in front of me was the most beautiful landscape ever. the grass was pure green. the air was clean and fresh. and if you walk just a little more you could see a sparkling clear waterfall.

"wow!!! this is so beautiful! I never knew these places existed." "well you know now." we sat down in the beautiful field and just talked for a little while.

"Lilly, can I try something?" James asked ever so politely. "uh.. yeah." what does he wanna try.....

he slowly came closer to me and leaned into kiss me. the kiss was so sweet. a minute later he pulled away. "your a good kisser.." he said slightly blushing. "ha ha, you think so.." "of course."

I can't believe that James just kissed me. he's a good kisser too.

James p.o.v

I wanna try to kiss Lilly but I'm not sure if she's ready yet. but I'll ask her anyway. "Lilly can I try something?" I hope she's okay with this. "uh.. yeah" wow she actually said yes. well here goes.. I slowly leaned into kiss her. her lips were so soft. Damn... she's a good kisser. after a minute of kissing I pulled away. "your a good kisser.." she smirked a little.

"ha ha, you think so.." "of course."


well there's the first chapter. hope ya'll like this book.




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