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Hajime was sat in his office, the one he shared with Fuyuhiko and Kazuichi down at the police station. He was typing away on his laptop, trying his best to avoid the pile of paperwork that had been placed on his desk by his Chief. He thought that it would be better to do them at home than work- since he wanted to finish the report on a recent crime. A guy had hit random civilians in a store, and Hajime was one of the officers to arrive at the scene. The man was charged with three counts of assault and was given a £1,000 fine. (I dunno yen)

Hajime was a Sergeant at the police station, but he hadn't had the position for long. He was promoted only last week- leaving his Detective title behind. One thing he thought about his new rank was that there would be less paperwork. He couldn't be any further from the truth. However, apart from the slump of sheets his chief just dropped on him, all the paperwork was calm. It was always minor cases that the papers described, like petty thieves in the local corner shop or incident down by the schools or parks.

Yes, the papers had to be analysed and signed too- which ultimately resulted in Hajime always having an aching hand. But that wasn't Hajime's top priority. He only joined the police force for one reason after all.


A game himself he had been involved in. As well as his friends. But it wasn't just them... there were 7 people from the game just before him, and 5 after him that he worked with. They all experienced Danganronpa.

At first, they filed the reality of the game to police. However, their claim had been excused- as officers at the time believed they were just teens having a joke.

But that was 5 years ago Hajime had survived Danganronpa. And until he finds out that it is in fact true, he will not step down from his job. Even if he becomes a Lieutenant or a Chief... nothing can stop him from looking into his secret case he and the others have worked on behind the scenes.

After all, it had to be true. The first idea that came to the groups mind was to research the other students. Hajime took on the role. The name he searched up first a male teen, Nagito Komaeda. He was surprised when he found the notes on the boy, since there were only files for those who were in trouble.

However, it described Nagito to a T. And there was something in bold black fonts that resigned on the file: Missing. From the report, he was last seen by a Kiyotaka Ishimaru- who went missing four days after Nagito's disappearance. It was all so strange, that someone from the game Makoto Naegi was in knew someone from Hajime's. And to how Makoto described Ishimaru, he didn't sound like the type to associate himself with someone like Nagito. It was just too strange. There was something the group wasn't seeing.

And whatever that something was, it happened before the games...

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