Ch2• They Recognise them

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The University's grass was a mix of green and yellow, from where people had walked and ran previously. Flags, flyers and posters were set on trees, poles and windows all across campus- even in the accommodation blocks- for the event: The Sporting Event. The University are playing against another tonight, and this gave the officers a perfect chance to come and see for themselves- that those who had died in front of them, were truly alive.

[ ... ]

Makoto, Kirigiri, Byakuya, and all the others stood near the bleachers of the opposing University- to remain out of sight from who they knew. Himiko had already spotted Leon and Sayaka talking to each other. Leon was wearing a baseball uniform and Sayaka was leaning in from the bleachers to hear him.

And then came Celeste who was holding onto Gonta's hand to help her up the stairs of the bleachers. As always, she chose heals. But to Aoi's surprise, they weren't as flashy as the ones she used to wear. They were plain.

Gonta and Celeste sat near where Sayaka placed her bag, and then joined Ibuki, Korekiyo, Sakura, Angie, Rantaro-

"Holy shit..." Mondo whispered, a grasping breath came out as he saw Chihiro and Kiyotaka. Chihiro looked the same with his clothes- apart from the lower half as he wore trousers. And Kiyotaka, he wasn't wearing the sort of uniform a prefect would associate with, but regular clothes such as a t-shirt and ripped trousers, his hair even messy. From his design, even Byakuya was confused by the change. Toko admitted that it was strange to see him like that.

And then, the last few turned up. Joining the group already on the bleachers were Nagito, Kokichi, Tenko, Mikan, Miu, and Kirumi.

It was so strange to the officers... Tenko and Miu would be shouting at Kokichi, but they were laughing and smiling. People should be afraid or uncomfortable around Nagito, but they were smiling too, heck- Ibuki gave Nagito and high-five and a hug when he turned up. It was... too strange.

"They look s-so happy..." Toko whined as she stood next to Komaru- Makoto's sister who joined them not too long ago. "Do they not remember anything? The game, even?"

"No... I don't think they do." Shuichi said, handing a report to Kaito. "They just seem... normal? I mean- look, Tenko is talking to Kokichi, not yelling or hitting him. Just... talking." Himiko rubbed the back of her neck. She smiled at the sight of Tenko and Angie but... she wasn't there with them. Simply just watching from afar. Away from them, like in the game.

"Should we take photos?" Makoto asked. "Why would we need to do that?" Kazuichi asked, everyone else looking at him with confusion. "Well, Chief said that unless we have evidence, then what we reported over five years ago never happened. And now look, there they are! Alive..."

Maki nodded and took out her phone. She took individual photos of all of them, however the only ones she couldn't get on their own were Celeste and Gonta, Sayaka and Leon, and Nagito with Kokichi.

"Well... what now?" Aoi asks, glancing at Himiko who only shrugs her shoulders. "Nyeh- I dunno... this is all overwhelming to comprehend at once."

They continue to stare. All of them. Those who they once knew, those who hated each other- were friendly. It was as if they never entered Danganronpa. Not at all. But just looking at them, they were normal university students. Ones that... didn't know who the others were. "We could possibly start conversations with them, could we not?" Sonia questions, looking at Ibuki and Mikan who had their arms interlinked whilst watching the players on the field- cricket had just begun as baseball ended. "No... Celeste knows we are part of the police department and so does Korekiyo. The others might ask them who we are." Byakuya declared. Makoto nodded and went back to looking at the others...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16 ⏰

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