Ch1• A Group's Surprise

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After 9 hours of sleep, Hajime was still tired- like he hadn't slept in decades. No matter the amount of orange juice and coffee he had, nothing was working. Across from the boy was Fuyuhiko, and with every second that went by, the shorter boy gazed at the other. "Hey Hajime, give it a break will you?" Fuyuhiko groaned as he placed a sheet of paper into a tray. "I try, really I do. But listen- the fact that they're real and not just fragments of our imagination." In front of Hajime was the high school files of the following: Peko Pekoyama, Gundham Tanaka, Kiyotaka Ishimaru, Kokichi Ouma, Miu Iruma, Sakura Ogami, and... and Nagito Komaeda. Those were the only peoples' files he could get. Either the others' ones didn't exist, or the schools they went to discarded them after they left, for the next educational point in their lives. However... the next step for them was a game, one of survival...

"Hajime, we gotta go!" At the office door stood Aoi Asahina, both the brown-haired boy and Fuyuhiko glanced up at her from their seats. "Why, what's happened?" Aoi walked into the office with Yasuhiro behind her. As he tied his bundle of hair up, he said "The University that's five miles from here- the principal just called. One of their students called Futuba Takao has gone missing. She was last seen going to her dorm, but she never turned up."

Hajime sighed. He stood from his chair and hid the files of the students. He didn't want to get scolded by his boss again, let alone Byakuya.

The boy put on his jacket and left with Aoi and Yasuhiro. "Catch you later Hajime!" Fuyuhiko called out, waving at the trio leaving- in return, they waved back.

< ... >

Along with the three, others came along. Akane, Maki, and Byakuya went into another cop car- and within 10 minutes the six arrived at the University. The University contained of 3 campus', and the size didn't exactly help the six find their way to the Principal's office. "Excuse me, but are you the detectives?" Behind the group was a man who looked to be about in his 60s. "We are, yes."

"Ha- great! I'm the Principal. But please, call me Keiji. Follow me." Principal Keiji led the way to his office. As the group walked throughout the grounds, they realised a few things: for a starter, some of the halls were the exact layout of some of the Danganronpa buildings. The hall that contained of the Geography and History lectures were similar to Maki's Danganronpa. "So, you said a student went missing?" Byakuya asked, as Keiji let him and the others into his office. "Yes, a Futuba Takao. She hasn't been seen in last... 48 hours now."

"Does she have a history of suddenly disappearing?" Akane asked, brushing some hair out of her face. "No no, not her. Never. It's extremely unlikely for her."

"Do you perhaps have a folder of her?" Keiji nodded to Byakuya's question. He opened a drawer and skimmed through the files. And almost right at the back was Futuba's:

Futuba Takao, Female, 22 years of age, Subject- History of Art.

What surprised Hajime about Futuba was that she looked almost similar to Nagito, especially with the puffy hair. "Does she have any friends staying at the dorms we could speak to?" Aoi proposed, standing up from the chair she was sat on. "Yes, they're all in building 4B. If you need a lot of detail on Futuba, you should ask Celeste Lu-"

"WHAT?!" Yasuhiro technically jumped from his seat as if fell back and plummeted to the floor. A load bang echoed, as Byakuya and Aoi's eyes widened. "Celeste Ludenberg, do you know her?"

".. Hey, isn't she one of-"

"...Yeah... yeah she is..."

< ... >

'No, it can't be true... it just can't be!' Is all what the group could think. One of the people that died in Danganronpa was here, at the University studying... and alive! Although Aoi and Yasuhiro were desperate to see Celeste, Byakuya had his doubts. It could just be a coincidence. It's not like there's only one person in the entire world with a single name.

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