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The palaces of Antespura are quite bigger in size from the palaces in rest of the other lands. The city is more civilized, progressed and rich. The way to the royal palace is filled with more people, shops with various displays. Food, clothes and various crafts etc made the way more colourful and vibrant. Both Sanghamitra and Devkirti are busy looking at the beauty and richness of Antespura. They are inside their carriage looking outside through the window. Devkirti is a little apprehensive of the fact that one day she is going to be the queen of this land ruling alongside her husband. Its intimidating. She heard her would be husband,prince Abhiranjan is very popular among his people. All of the Antespura love him. He is their ideal prince and ideal future king. But would they love her as well. She is anything but ideal. Her mother had always taught her to be the ideal one but she feels that she can't be someone else. She is quite happy being herself. But she had a feeling that everything is going to change soon.

"What are you thinking Kirti?" Mitra asked. "Don't think much or else you will loose your mind" she laughed.

"What's so funny? You are not the one who is going to marry a stranger and that to in a strange place" Kirti retorted as Mitra's humorous laugh irked her.

"What's so hard about it? Your are trained, skillful, beautiful and wise. It will not be a problem to get adjusted to this married life." Mitra countered back.

"Its easy to say. But hard to actually do. Anyways here pick one finger" Kirti outstretched her two fingers at Mitra.

"What is this? Don't tell me you are still confused?"

"Not everybody is sorted like you Mitra. I have this confusion that i need an answer to and clarity on. Now pick one"

Mitra picked her index finger. And looked at Kirti for explanation.

"Ok, its the Queen" Kirti left a sigh

" What?" Mitra is confused.

"One finger said that i will be a slave after marriage and the other said i will be the queen. I heard that my would be mother in law is a dangerous woman. The queen is a judgemental woman and is very picky too. Its just an effort to know my fate." Kirti replied.

Mitra only rolled her eyes at her friend's antic. After some time they reached the royal palace. The palace is the highest among the other ones they had seen on the way. Its grand. Both Kirti and Mitra took a good look at it. They are shocked to see such a grand palace which is shining like gold.

As they approached to the entrance door. They saw King Vibhuvashan and Queen Jayanti waiting for them. King Bibhuti and king Padmasan embrace their friend. Queen Sulekha and Jayanti exchanged their greetings as well.

"Devkirti come and take the blessings of the King and the Queen of Antespura". Queen Sulekha asked her daughter.

Devkirti's heart is thudding with a rapid speed. The only thought that occupied her mind is that "Marriage is scary" until she reached in front of them and bowed down to touch their feet. Both the King and Queen gave their blessings. Queen Jayanti took a little extra time to observe her. She almost feel like she is being scrutinized with picky eyes. Then the queen's eyes shifted to Sanghamitra who is standing behind her.

Queen Sulekha took no time to introduce Sanghamitra.

"This is Sanghamitra. King Padmasan's second child." She said. Mitra bowed down to touch the queen's feet.

"Oh,the daughter of late queen Prabhavathi. I wonder dear how your are doing and learning things that a woman should learn without a mother to guide you properly" Queen Jayanti said.

At the mentioned of her mother Sanghamitra suddenly feel sad. Although her sister Urvashi is always there to guide her but the absence of a mother can never be filled. Mitra isn't someone to be stepped upon but her manners kept her from opening her mouth in answer.

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