Chpt. 1

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You trotted around the forest in search for anything or anyone. It was your assigned job from Bakugo, out of the whole group you were the best at scouting given your speed and excellent eyes. you sniffed the ground and then raised your head in the air to sniff again. you were in your dragon form, figuring you would  find something better in your form rather than in your human form.

"I got something..." you sniffed again "smells like dinner.." you followed the sent trail to a plump deer and a doe at that. You hid in the bushes and crept up on the prey, eyes slit and focused on the tail that fluttered every moment possible. "almost there.." you said as you kept crawling to the deer. you were about 6 inches away from it when you leaped and sunk your jaws into the deers neck nearly snapping it as you bit into it.

"Yes! alright lets just bring this back to camp and.." you mumbled while getting ready to at least try to carry it off to the campsite. you picked it up(ooo so strong) and took off with it back to the others.

It was a long trip but you made it back with the deer in clutch, everyone turned to you. "Nice job Y/N!" Denki said with Kirishima coming up to you to take it away and prepare it "Yeah Y/N you did great with this catch!" "Y/N always does great with their catches!" Mina butted in "When was there a time Y/N didn't do great?"

"Oh! That one time where they-" Sero covered Denkis mouth with his tail and giving him a glare "We DONT talk about that.." Sero told him as Denki nodded and Sero uncovered his mouth. Bakugo walked out from the tent with a knife in hand approaching the deer ready to skin it.

"Did you find anything?" Bakugo asked still having his back turned to Y/N skinning the deer carefully. "No I found nothing so I think we are safe...for now" you responded while taking a seat next to Mina on the log still in dragon form you deiced to keep yourself occupied by cleaning yourself and keeping the fire alight with the firewood next to you.

When you all would go camping everyone was assigned a role: If You were outside the camp ground you were to scout for danger and hunt for food. If you were inside your only task would be keeping the fire alight. Minas was simply setting the camp up, while Denki only collected resources since he wasn't trusted to help out with skinning the kills anymore after a certain event happened. Kiri and Sero helped with the meals and helped Bakugo with his plans and preparation with what to do and what not to do.

As time passed and the sky grown darker by each passing hour the six remained in the camp chatting and eating the night away. all ending with each one falling asleep in their tents.

(511 word count)
Next chapt possibly later or tomorrow but thanks for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2023 ⏰

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