Resist (Off/Gun) - Bubble Love

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Author's note: Part 6/??

Off tried to resit to message Gun right after they parted ways. He managed to get Nirin and Akin home safely, though his mind was stuck with the cute kindergarten teacher. The two children played in the backyard while he sunk on the couch, staring at his phone. The screen lit up, showing a message from Gun.

"Hello, P'Off. I hope you arrived safely." 

Off grinned like a madman, clutching the device in his hand. Gun was worried about them. 

"Hello, N'Gun. We did. And you?" 

His fingers trembled while pressing the sent button. It was a simple conversation, but Off didn't remember when was the last time being nervous about texting someone. 

"We are good too. Win is playing with Bibi."  Off smiled when the photo of a small child and a tiny dog appeared.

"Cute. Nirin and Akin are playing too." He jumped out off the sofa, approaching the glass door leading to the terrace. He slid them open, aiming the camera at his niece and nephew running around with a ball. Off sent it to Gun, waiting for the response. 

"What a lovely sight. I am a little sad Win can't play with other children." 

"You can bring Win to play with Nirin and Akin sometimes. I know they would be happy to play with him. And I would like to see you too." Off answered without thinking. His breath hitched as he closed his eyes. He was so stupid. There was a long pause from Gun, and Off was sure he fucked up. 

"It would be nice." Off frowned as he couldn't hide his disappointment. He hoped for a different reaction, but at least Gun didn't seem angry. 

"And I would like to see you too." The second message arrived, and Off's heart almost jumped out of his chest. 

"What about tomorrow? We can discuss the photoshoot too." Off wrote back. Like this, he shouldn't look too desperate. 

"It can be arranged."

OffGun June Collection of Drabbles 2023Where stories live. Discover now