Character profile - Castella

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Javier Castella is a cocaine addicted matador and drug dealer who is married to Rita's sister Maria. For some reason, he has lots of fans, especially female ones, and lots of women find him sexy - he has affairs with about 4 or 5 at any one time. But nobody could ever be a bigger fan of him or his 'talents' than Castella himself.

He believes he's 'the greatest matador in history' and is too clever, good looking and amazing, to ever be sent to jail. He shows Donald Trump levels of narcissism, shown by his love of mirrors, a statue of himself on his lawn, and portraits of himself - clothed and otherwise. Besides money, killing bulls and claiming to be a bull expert on TV, he loves cocaine (which he views as 'not even a drug!') Lamborghinis, limos, 'sexy' photos of himself, more cocaine, and cheating on his wife with a host of women.

He was an associate of jailed drug dealer Martin Aguilar and took over the running of his empire once he was sent to jail, having got away with it because of corruption, dubious charities, his celebrity status, links to dirty money in right wing politics and being 'more useful outside than in'. He's supremely arrogant about the damage his products can do, 'addiction is for the weak', and thinks he's invincible and it is harmless.

He's also married to Rita's sister. The two women do not speak, mostly as a result. However, he cheats constantly and was physically and psychologically abusive. He craves respect, money and status and gets enraged when someone doesn't act the way he believes treats him with 'the respect he deserves' - for example, he punches Pepelito when the bull approaches him in 'the wrong' way. He can call on an army of thugs, mafia hitmen, gangsters and 'guys on the inside' of the criminal justice system to do his bidding. He's not a serial killer like Henry, although he has plenty of bodies on him. He doesn't like to get his own hands dirty, and would rather get a bunch of hitmen to bump his enemies off.

As 'the greatest matador in history' he's proud of his 'unbroken record of killing every bull he's ever faced.' Indeed, this 'record' becomes a pathological obsession as he starts to see Pepelito's escape as some sort of attack on his capability. He is absolutely determined to track him down, becoming more and more enraged when he cannot do so through various legal and illegal methods. He's a great admirer of Spanish fascist dictator General Franco and has a portrait of the dictator in his bedroom, as well as bullfighting equipment, a mirror above the bed and a naked portrait of himself.

Aficionados love him and he's able to put on a snobbish facade for the wealthy ones, but even bullfighting obsessed Henry wonders why his house makes him seem like a drug dealer- couldn't possibly be that he is one!

An all around great guy 🤣

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