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"Hide, my little one." my mother said, pushing me back gently in the armoire placed beside the crate which had Lorcan's belongings which was supposed to be at the Clementine hill, our new home. My four year-old brain was still in between of processing the push when i heard a scream which scared me. I was mortified when i recognised that it was my mother's. My eyes immediately went to find my mother from the in between gap of the armoire's door when i was met with a more horrifying scene, my father lying lifeless on the plush carpets of the house. His hands purple, as if they were devoid of blood, bones of his digits cracked and turned inwards with a disturbing orientation.

My voice got stuck in my throat, i couldn't even as small as whisper to let my elder brother know what i just witnesssed. I clutched at my heart knowing that now, i wouldn't be able to laugh on my father's utterly disgusting cooking, or be with my mother learning the proper hand movements to cast Cape enchantment, maybe i couldn't even get my hair ruffled by my brother,Lorcan anymore.

This scene sucked out any life that remained in me, my thought chain was broken by a black silhoutte emerging from the front doors of the Becker Residence. I put my hand on my mouth to silence my sobbing.

"They were lucky to not have kids or else they would died a more nasty death." A deep voice said with a grin on his lips, his dark figure hovering over my mother's now lifeless body. It was appearing as if he was talking to himself as i saw nobody who coud have heard him. My breath hitched at the word 'death'. Apparently, my hitched breath caught more attention than i would've liked. I saw the dark figure with a capelet over his shoulders, a black hat covering his all facial features except his lips, which had a sly smirk on them, approaching me.

I started panicking as he was mere inches away from me that was when I saw my mother's digits moving, i was sure that my eyes were playing tricks on me as the plush carpet was drenched in her blood but I so much wanted to beleive the tricks just to see my mother alive.

My mother caught the man's leg and chanted something which i couldn't comprehend. I saw the man struggling to get his limb out of my mother's grasp but failed terribly as my mother stood.

"How- i killed you. Leave me you pugtress." My mother still chanting as if, if she stopped, for even a second that man would have done something more awful than calling her a pugtress which in layman language meant an enchantress having no sufficient knowledge of enchantments and was best to be mortal than to have a gift of enchantment. My mother was no pugtress. My mother's hands were now on his neck, she was burning him more likely her ring was as, it dugged into the man's skin, his screams grew louder and so did my mother's chanting.

Soon the man was blown to ashes, me missing the scene of what just happened while i just blinked. I saw my mother fell on to the floor, i burst open the armoire cabinet's door which had blood stains all over it, possibly my father's.

"Mother" was all i could get out of mouth as i saw her down on her knees with one of her hand on her chest and other one calling me near.

"You did so well Aveline, you are very brave-"

"Mother, what's happening? Are you going to go away like dad?" I said cutting her sentence midway, i needed answers to why and how my father was dead and where in the world is my brother.

"Oh never, i would never leave you apple pie, you know you are always my favourite, listen to me now, hold on to this band for me" she said handing out her ring to me as she caressed my head.

"But mother you need it, i can't have it. Father gave it to you" i said looking at the intricate designs on the jewel. She let out a dry chuckle and wiped my tears off from my face which i didn't know had been runing down my cheek.

"Always listen to you heart apple pie, you'll get your answers right there."

She chanted some enchantment while she curled her hands in mine with her eyes closed as a tear went down her cheek. I grew more confused as i was going to put up a question again, i felt my eyes heavying as if i had no control over them they shut close "Mother, i am sleepy" and soon darkness covered my vision as i fell to the ground. "Be careful Ave" was the last thing i heard followed by a loud thud as if my mother hit the ground too hard

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