Chapter 2

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"Ms. Aveline Becker, we're ready for you" , A guy in black polished suit said with a welcoming smile on his face. His name tag said 'Tomaso' under the company name 'Baypoc Pvt. Ltd.' This was the only company that stood out to me. Stood out? well it had the easiest work with a decent amout of salary and i 'm no workaholic to spend day and night caged in a cubicle. I hate small spaces.

"So, Aveline last question for you and the Junior Editor's job is yours", a guy in the middle of three people wearing identical suits said to me as he closed my file and kept his hands on it. I had a weird feeling that i have met him somewhere but just couldn't point it out . When I first entered the room and my eyes landed on him i felt a weird tingle down my spine, almost the feeling i get when i dream about my long lost family.

"So would you like the day shifts or the night shifts?" The man said. I smiled with all my teeth showing and stood up from my chair a little too fast making it fall.

"Thank you Sir! You'll never regret it. You have my word" I said as i took the hand he extended towards me. As soon as i touched the skin of his palm, we both flinched. It was like a non-harmful eletric shock. We both stared at each other as i shook the hands of others while still staring at him and him not even blinking.

"I'll see you tomorrow at 3 then Ave!" he said as he stood . He sounded eager and curious, same as me.

"Apologies, may i call you Ave?"

"Of course sir! You may". Everybody who knew me called me 'Ave' but they way he said it made me choke a little on my own saliva. I saw a sense of familiarity in his eyes, like i have seen him before somewhere.

As i walked towards the door, he came in front of me practically jumping and said "Let Me" and I let him open the door for me.

As we moved out and were about to part ways, i asked "Sorry sir, do you mind me asking your name?" It wasn't my fault he didn't wear a name tag like others did.


"oh that's-"

"Lorcan Marcel Beck"

I almost heard 'becker' but i was wrong, i was facing him to look into his eyes, i sensed the familiarity again. He even had the same shade of hair as me. The colour you get by mixing too much of blonde and a little of grey. Where have I seen you?

"You have a beautiful name sir" i said trying to give a reason why i stopped dead in my tracks when he said his name which included my father's too. Completely a coincidence as it appeared.

"So do you Ave" he said genuinely smiling. I felt so secure around him even if we just met, it was as if i had known him for ages. He didn't look much older than me. Probably around twenty three or twenty four.

"What do u have in there?" he asked pointing to the file in my hand which had my resume earlier but was now in Lorcan's hand.

"Oh nothing, stupid introductory page i printed out along with the file. I took it out before entering the room seeing that you all already had the documents you needed for my introduction" i said making him let out a laugh.

"May I?"

"Oh of course sir. Here" I said handing out the page, a bit confused. Why did he want the introductory page?

As soon as he opened the file, he shut it close making my hair fly back a bit from the air, closing of file created. I looked at him in confusion. All the kind of scenarios ran through my mind as he eyes grew wide but were still settled at the file.

Did i write something non-proffessional in there? Did i mess up the font thing again? Will he fire me? I really needed the job so i jumped at the oppurtunity to ask him "Everything alright sir?" making him break his trance and look at me.

"Oh yes, I'm sorry Ave I just remembered i have one more interview to take. Pardon me." he said and shoved the file in my hands as he walked in the direction we came from, i watched his back when he turned and said "And please It's Lorcan"

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