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Dear diary...

It is me, Hyunjin, again. I am writing tonight because I want to tell you that I found it. I found my soulmate last night. He is the cutest man I have ever met before...

I also had the best night of my entire life... He was the one who made everything special for me tonight. This is crazy though!!! Now I have one question. 

DO YOU BELIEVE IN LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT? Because I am sure I love him.


I just feel that if I don't write down everything that happened tonight, I might forget about him, and I need to know every single detail of this night until the day I die and you are the only one that can hold the words for me.

I also took pictures of him, but I need to print them out so I can save it along with these words.

Let's start this story from this morning... when I woke up not knowing what was going to happen today.

I went to bed really late last night. I was binge watching Alice in borderline, and I just couldn't stop. It is one of those series that gets you hooked up on, and you just need to see one more episode. Well, after all, I went to bed at 5 am.

I woke up at 9 am because my phone was going off, after I snoozed my alarm like four times in a row. I was able to open my eyes. The rays of sunshine filtering through the white curtains and hitting my eyes, making me squint my eyes tightly as I groaned, I yawned loudly as I stretched my arms up.

"Uuuuugh, I am tired." I said with my tired, sleepy voice. Even my voice sounded like I was a dang zombie. I was groggy, and my eyes and face were swollen. 

Today is my end of the high-school years graduation party. I was hesitant to go, but Chan made me promise to be there with them for one last blast before we all go away to college.

My mom got me an all black outfit for the event. I was going to the party with my 6 friends. They are all couples, and I am the only one with no date, but that is ok it is my choice to be single. I have not met the one yet.

Seungmin and Changbin are together. They think we don't know, but it is obvious. 

Chan and Jeongin are a couple. Chan is so sweet towards the other that makes me a little jealous.  I want someone in my life that I can spoil like Chan does to Innie.

The epic high-school love birds of the year, Lee Minho and Han Jisung.  They are so lovey dovey it makes me nauseous at times. I still love them all with my entire heart. But they get really physical in front of everyone without caring. Like there is not another soul around them. Like they are the only ones left in the world.

Anyway,  I stood up from the bed and went to the bathroom. I started brushing my teeth and washed my face. I took a lons steamy shower, and after about 30 minutes, I went downstairs to eat breakfast.

"Hi, mom." I said as soon as I reached the kitchen.

"Good morning, sweetheart. How did you sleep? Are you well rested?"

"Yes, Eomma.  I slept well." I said to her. She smiled at me and motioned me to sit down, I pulled the bar stool and sat on it facing her.

"What do you want for breakfast, JinJin?" She said as she placed her hand under her chin, waiting for a response. When she saw that I was taking  long to answer, she said.

"Do you want eggs, baby?" I just nodded. She smiled and booped my nose.

"Coming right up, baby!" She said as she walked towards the refrigerator and grabbed eggs, bacon, and butter. I am an only child, and my dad works in the United States, so she is always alone, I am all she has.

I watched her cook them gracefully as she hummed Maniac, a song from my favorite boy band, Stray Kids. She looked at me and motioned me to sing it.

"Maniac, Frankenstein cheoreom georeo
Maniac, maniac

Nasa ppajin geotcheoreom useo maniac

Pingping dorabeorigetji

Maniac, bijeongsangtuseongi jipdan
Maniac, maniac..." I sang as she was dancing to it, then coming to me and grabbing my hands, pulling me off the chair, and we danced the bridge together.

My mom is the best.
She is weird, and I love her to death.
She also likes to make me feel good.
She does not care what she has to do to make me smile.

"Are you excited for tonight?" She asked. I just nodded because my mouth was full of scrambled eggs.

"Did you get a date?" She asked with a pout.

"No, mom. I want to go alone. I prefer it that way. I am ok. I dont need a date to enjoy the night."

She came closer to me and hugged me as she whispered to my ears. "You will find someone you will love  to death soon, and when you do, I want to be the first one to know!"

"I will tell you as soon as I found him." I spat out without even thinking. She did not know that I liked males. 'Fuck' I told myself as I tensed up.

"JinJin. Thank you for trusting me with that baby. I dont want you to feel bad. I am always here for you, and I also knew that already.  I know my son likes the palm of my hand." She said between giggles and then kissed my forehead. 

I was so relieved to hear that, to be honest. I wouldn't be able to survive this world knowing that my mom hates me.

To be continued...


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