Part 3

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"Trained with the dwarves, you say?" the Queen asked, sitting on the King's throne. "I must say, that's very impressive."She ran a hand along the soft underbelly of the nearest lady-in-waiting, stroking the mound of flesh like a pet cat. The lady's face flushed, and she quietly moaned with hunger, her round belly rumbling. "So you've come to pledge your services to me?"

The Huntress's ears burned red. The castle had clearly changed in her time spent training. Had Snow White experienced such marvellous changes? "Yes, your majesty," the Huntress said, holding her sword to her chest in salute. "I pledge to protect this court and the royal family, even unto my last breath."

The Queen cocked her head, narrowing her eyes at this new potential court member. The Huntress was young and strong, but not especially pretty. Her shoulders were too wide, her skin too ruddy from sunlight, her cropped hair wild and unkempt... Yes, she would be no threat. "Welcome to my court, Huntress," she said with a gracious smile.

The Huntress took her place behind the Queen. Her heart fluttered in silent joy at the symphony of creaks and groans as the herd of ladies-in-waiting collapsed back into their seats. But as they resumed their endless eating, the Huntress caught sight of Princess Snow White hurrying past the open doorway, belly swaying under her red dress.


"Snow- ah! Y-your highness!" The Huntress ran to catch up with Snow. Disappointingly, Snow had not grown as much as the rest of the castle, but the Huntress felt the old longing wash over her. She wanted to wrap that soft, sensual body in her arms, to keep Snow happy, safe, and well-fed forever. But the Huntress held herself back, fiddling with her sword.

"I-I don't know if you remember me, but-"

Snow threw her arms around the Huntress's neck, grateful to see a familiar face. "Of course I remember you!" She pulled away quickly, round cheeks flushed. The Huntress had become so strong and burly over the years... "I'm so sorry I didn't keep my promise, I just thought-"

"That's okay!" the Huntress said, heart pounding. "I'm just..." She let her eyes play over Snow's soft curves. What she wouldn't give to grab a handful of that plump belly. "I'm just glad to see you again."

Snow flushed, her warm smile lighting up her chubby face. She wrapped her fingers around the Huntress's sleeve. "Come with me to the gardens. We can catch up."


"Is there anything else... you need... your majesty? The serving maid swayed, her legs unable to bear the weight of her swollen body for much longer. She had once been the loveliest of all the servants, but now the maid's delicate features had vanished in a sea of corpulence.

The Queen smiled. The smell of bread and cake baking downstairs was probably making the poor girl's head spin already. "You may take your leave, Dinah. But before you go..." The Queen reached through her window, plucking a juicy apple from the pitch dark branches. "Would you like another one of my apples?"

Dinah's round rear end bounced as she hurried forward, eagerly extending her pudgy hand. The moment the first bite passed her lips, her stomach growled loudly. She clutched her swollen belly, squealing with hunger.

"Oh you poor thing, I've kept you far too long. Enjoy the rest of your day, dear." She leaned forward conspiratorially. "I think I smelled some roast lamb down in the kitchens." She laughed as the girl's face went slack with greed, a puddle of drool at the corner of her mouth. The Queen winked, patting the maid's soft jaw. "Eat whatever you want, as much as you like. Queen's orders."

"Oh bless you, your majesty! You are as kind as everyone says." The serving girl wobbled away as fast as her fat-swaddled legs could take her. The Queen smiled to herself, knowing that the foolish girl would likely spend half the night stuffing her face, no matter how much it hurt.

Such was the power of the apples.

She had learned so early on that it was easy to be loved. Just give people what they crave. Be the provider of abundance, indulge them into helplessness. The apples kept them hungry, made them want beyond reason. and, so long as she kept the food flowing into their greedy mouths, the entire court would worship at her feet.

And the bigger they got, the less competition she had to worry about.

She had done the same with her sisters. If ever one of her sisters had more admirers than her, all she had to do was give them an apple and point them towards food, and before long the stupid hogs were too big to even see over their own bellies.

Only the eldest sister had gotten away, and had managed to secure a husband who somehow didn't care that she was the size of a barn. Now the Queen had corrected that too, and punished the King for daring to fall for her sister.

Still, she had to confirm that she was still on top.

Unlocking a secret drawer, the Queen lifted a mirror from her vanity. Taking a moment to admire herself, she drew the magic sign to bring it to life. "Mirror, mirror, in my hand, who's the most beloved woman in the land?" She settled back, waiting for the mirror to show her surrounded by her adoring populace.

"You, my Queen, are as Fair as can be,
but another is more beloved than thee."

"What?? Who? Who is more beloved than me?!"

The mirror's image shifted and spun, rearranging her features into Snow White, chatting with the new Huntress in the gardens.

"One heart may hold more love than an entire kingdom might,
And that heart beats for your daughter, Snow White."

The Queen shrieked and hurled her hairbrush across the room, shattering a crystal lamp. "Snow White??" She screeched, hurling her jewellery in a rage. "That pasty, dumpy little-"

She made to throw the mirror, but caught herself just in time, laying it carefully back on the dresser.

The Queen paced the room, shaking with rage. She had spent years carefully controlling her appetite, never letting a morsel more than was absolutely necessary pass her lips. And now this homely dough ball dared to take her place? Well. There were ways to deal with that.


"Stepdaughter!" The Queen patted Snow's plump belly, guiding her to a table filled with fresh bread and pastries. She handed her a glass of wine. "So glad you could come."

Snow had never forgotten her mother's warning, so when her stepmother had asked to meet in her chambers that night, Snow had accepted with more than a little suspicion. "Have I done something wrong, stepmother?"

"Wrong?" The Queen laughed, spreading her luscious skirts, her sleek leg peeking out from a slit that slid all the way up her hip. "I wanted to invite you for a private meal, just us two," she said. "Shouldn't mothers and daughters spend time together?"

Snow took a cautious sip of her wine as she sat. She examined every dish for a sign of the dreaded apples, but saw none. She knew she shouldn't let her guard down, but the smell of cinnamon and fresh bread was already making her mouth water.

Her plump belly growled. For the last month she had forbidden herself from sweets, terrified of finding one of the Queen's apples on her plate. But everything seemed safe. She pulled a slice of cake near her. Chocolate. No sign of apples. Her belly rumbled with desire. She took a single, careful bite.

Her taste buds exploded, chocolate washing over her in waves, the sweet taste filling her with the desire for more.

Throwing aside manners, Snow grabbed the slice with both hands, shoving it in her mouth, reaching for more, moist crumbs dripping down her double chin. What was happening? She had never experienced such hunger before. She was already on her third slice of cake, already full, and still she wanted more. Mouth sticky with frosting, Snow reached to gulp down more wine-

She froze, realising far too late...

"My mother was famous for her apple wine," the Queen said, smoothing her dress over her petite frame. She gave Snow a devastating smile. "Come, my dear, have another slice." She pushed the gigantic cake towards her stepdaughter. "Have it all if you like."

Snow tried to hold back, but her willpower only lasted for a moment before she lunged forward, stuffing herself with cake by the handful, belly growling for more. The Queen watched, eyes glittering with savage triumph.


Snow had seen the ladies of court succumb to the apple's effects one by one, but she had never imagined what it would actually feel like. She had no willpower, no limits, no chance. Any time she was around food, her belly screamed with a yearning more powerful than mere hunger; a craving, a need so intense it made her toes curl.

The Queen ensured an endless parade of pastries, roast meats, and chocolates poured into Snow's belly from dawn till dusk. If ever she let slip a word of complaint, the Queen forced another apple down her throat to set her on another spell of unquenchable hunger.

Snow's round frame expanded rapidly under the pressure. Every step sent her breasts and belly bouncing. Her arms struggled to hoist their own weight. No chair in the castle could contain her widening backside. The sound of a full mouth became simply part of her speaking voice.

No one at court dared to think this odd. Of course it was only natural that the princess would take after her mother and father. And how kind of the new Queen to indulge her stepdaughter's every craving, even ordering servants to help the girl eat when she got too bloated to feed herself. Still, what a shame, they would say, that the plump little princess had finally followed her parents off the deep end into hedonistic gluttony.

However, the Huntress looked at her with growing admiration. She watched the princess move, hypnotised by her slow waddle, the wheeze in her breath like music. The Huntress lay awake at night, dreaming about her luscious body. Her belly, straining at the seams of every dress, betraying any sense of modesty. Her plump hands, always reaching, always begging for more, even when it hurt. Her jawline, lost in a collar of flab, softened through endless indulgence. Her face, flushed and faint, even after a few moments of effort. How she longed to pull up that dress, to make the princess moan as she traced her hands delicately over that marvellous flab...

Every night, when the Queen asked the mirror the dreaded question, it would always answer:

Though weighed down by gluttony,
Snow White inspires more love than thee.

And so the stuffings continued.


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