Part 5

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That night, the Huntress came to Snow’s chambers dressed in soft shoes that would make no noise, armed with a sword in case anyone tried to stop them. “Were you able to follow the plan, highness?”

Snow nodded, pushing herself upright. “I haven’t… eaten… for hours,” she panted, her dark eyes sparkling over her puffy cheeks as she lifted herself a few wobbly inches. “I can move… so much more now-aahhh!” Her belly thundered, making Snow cry out with hunger.

“Your highness!” The Huntress hurried to pull Snow to a proper sitting position. “Don’t worry. My friends will have plenty to eat. You won’t be hungry for long.” Snow whimpered, ashamed that she couldn’t even go a few hours without food.

Footsteps echoed up the stairs. Snow shoved the Huntress away, shooing her toward her closet. The closet door clicked shut just as the Queen sailed around the corner, full of smiles and false good cheer. Behind her, two servants lugged a creaking cart loaded down with enough food for four soldiers.

“My dear, you haven’t been down for a single meal all day,” the Queen said, shooing away the servants. “And look at this! You haven’t touched any of the food I had sent up.”

Snow leaned back, the picture of feebleness. “I-I’m still feeling ill, stepmother, I don’t think I could stand to eat any-”

“Nonsense.” Snow flinched as the Queen sat on the edge of her bed. “Stepmommy knows what’s best for you.” The Queen pulled an apple out of her sleeve.

Snow White’s dainty feet curled and kicked, fruitlessly trying to push herself out of reach. “No, please, no!”

The Queen ignored her protests. Her sharp blade glinted in the candlelight as she peeled the apple. “Don’t be fussy. I don’t want you losing your appetite. Open wide.”


The Queen shoved the apple into Snow’s mouth, clamping her hand over her lips so she couldn’t spit it out. “You will not take my throne from me,” she hissed. “I’ve worked too hard to get it.”

A muffled groan escaped Snow White’s lips as the apple did its work. Her enormous stomach rumbled like an earthquake.

“Hungry, are you?” The Queen ripped a haunch off the roast pig and pushed it into Snow’s mouth. Snow obediently gobbled it down, opening up for more, more, desperate to quell her ravenous appetite. Shame, anger, ecstasy filled her head, conflicting emotions bouncing off each other. Her belly ached, she wanted to stop! The food was so good, she wanted more!

The Queen stuffed fritters and cakes and pastries down the princess’s throat, cackling as her heavy belly swelled like bread dough. “Keep up, my dear. You’ve gone a whole day without.” Snow whimpered, torn between insatiable gluttony and pain.

At her cry, the Huntress jumped up, hand flashing to her sword. Snow White saw the movement through a crack in the closet door. Her eyes widened, and she shook her hefty head, chins wobbling. Not now.

Eyes narrowed suspiciously, the Queen turned…

“Stepmother, please!” Snow cried out, voice cracking pathetically. “I’m so full, I can’t take anymore!” Though she said it as a distraction, it was not untrue. Every bite was agony, and she could already feel new stretch marks burning their way across her soft flesh.

The Queen pinched Snow’s bulging cheeks, her eyes glinting wickedly. “Don’t say that, my dear, she said, roughly shoving her hand into Snow White’s inflated belly.” Snow cried out in pain. “Look at how soft this is. You’ve got plenty of room.” She smeared a loaf of bread with fresh butter, laughing as Snow struggled to right herself. “Now open wide.”

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