Violetts POV ~ Chapter 2

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Hope you enjoy the book! Please comment, as i said i love feedback!! Okay, so i'll let you read now. Bye little pringles!! Just to let you know, in the book it is 4:00
p.m. so its been a little while.


Then, the door knob turned and my heart started to race. The door opened, and i heard a voice. It was my ' master '.
" I know your hiding. I can smell your fear and scent. Its good your scared. Because i am a Pureblood. And a Purebloods bite, hurts worse than a regular vampires. So we're gonna play a game. Its called, Surrender for life. I have five marbles here, and when i throw the first one, you have five seconds to come out and beg for your life. On the second, you have three seconds. On the third, you have none. Okay? Lets start. " I heard the clatter of marbles, but i didn't sound like regular marbles. Then i heard a whoosh. Stinging pain errupted in my neck. It was bleeding rapidly. The marble had cut me. These marbles definatly were not normal. A moan of pain escaped my lips. Then i felt another pain on my shoulder. It too, was bleeding hard. I trembled and tried to contain my pain but i couldn't hold it any longer. Tears streamed down my cheeks. I moaned. I crawled out of my hiding place and was on my knees. " I'm sorry, please, please stop, it hurts! " I cried, streams forming rivers on my cheeks. He stopped, with a satisfied grin. " I'm not in a good mood today, so be careful. Or i will really hurt you. Now, go downstairs and Gaven will explain the rules of a slave to you." I obeyed and got up but stumbled from the pain. " Oh yes, i forgot. He walked over to me. He got close to my face and started tracing the tear marks on my face. He ran his finger down my neck, making me wince when he touched the wounded place. He brushed his lips along my neck, sending shivers down my spine. Then, he stopped at my wound. He placed his lips over the wound aand licked it. Its stung for a moment, but faded. He did the same to my shoulder. After he walked out. I noticed that the wounds weren't hurting as much. He healed them partially. I thought. I got up and walked down the stairs. Then, a boy about my age and height walked up to me. " Master Davis says that i must explain the rules to you. I'm Gaven. Hi." He said, his voice soothing me. He seemed nice, with chocolate blonde hair and a gray shirt and black jeans. He was handsome. Where all the boys in this mansion like that? I thought. Gaven took my hand and lead me gently up the one of the staircases. Then he lead me into a room. The walls were painted white, with a strip of painted leaves, about 3 feet from the ground on the walls. A green and ivory white bed sat facing us. The floor was marble and a fuzzy white chair sat on the right side on the room in the cornor near a window and a fuzzy white couch on the left, about two feet away from the bed. " Its beautiful. " I said.
" Yep. " Gaven said. " Whose room is this? " I asked, regreting it when i saw Gaven's expression. He frowned, with a sigh. " Its my master.... er...mistres's room...." He said with a sigh again. Her name is Lilac. Shes a pureblood, cousins with your master. She snappy for sure. Lucky you don't have her. " He said. " Okay so the rules.. " He said, sighing again. " Rule #1: Don't disobey or talkback to your master or mistress. The consquences will be punsihment. Rule #2 Your masters commands must be done whither you like it or not. Rule #3 Your master can do whatever he or she wants with you. " He finsihed, a sorrowful look on his face. I heard a chorus of laughs outside the door. " Lilac is back..." Gaven said with a gulp. The door opened and a girl with brown red hair  up in long pigtails walked in she had a chinese sort of robe that was white and green on and she was liking blood from her lips. I could see her fangs that were portruded. The light hit them perfectly and they glinted. " Gaven!! Who is this?! " She said angerly with a strained sweetness. " I-its a n-new slave.. Master Davis... " Gaven stuttered. " Well tell Davis to keep his slaves out of my room!! " She screamed. " DAVIS!!!! " She yelled. " What?!? " Came Davis's sour reply. " Get your slave out of my room! " Lilac said, scarlett rising in her cheeks. Davis walked in and scowled at me. I whimpered. " Are you done explaining the rules, Gaven? " Davis snapped. " Y-yes sir. " He said. " And Violett, " He said, turning toward me. " Why didn't you come back after he
was done? " He said. " I - i'm so-o sorry-y i just.. i um.. was talking... " I stuttered stiffening with fear. Davis growled. " Come with me. " He said. I obeyed and followed, shooting Gaven a look saying ' sorry gotta go'. I walked into his room before him and he slammed the door shut. " Why didn't you come back?! " He growled. " Wait. You told me why. Now i need to give you your reward. " He said, walking toward me. " My r-reward? " I said, whimpering. " Yes." He said gentley. He placed his hands firmly on my waist, holding me in place. He traced his lips over my neck till he got to the wounded part, which was newly healing. He protrued his fangs and lightly pressed them to my neck. It tickled a little but then, he sank his fangs in making it hurt. A whimper escaped my lips.
" Stop. " I whimpered. But he didn't listen, instead he sunk them in deeper.
" Stop, stop that! It hurts! " I cried. He sank his fangs in deeper and deeper. Tears flowed out of my eyes and i moaned lots.
" Stop please!! Pleehee-hee-heeease! It hurts! " I screamed, contiuing to cry and moan. It was as if he couldn't here me, but i knew he could. He contiued to bite. I could feel him sucking up some blood, draining my energy. Then, he finally stopped.I could here him liking his lips. He fell back into the chair, exsuasted. I didn't have the energy to move, so i fell on top of his lap, sliding down to the floor. I  fell asleep to the rythem of his breathing.

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