Violetts POV ~ Chapter 1

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I woke up in a glass cage, trapped in all sorts of binds. I looked around. I was in a large room with two big, elegant marble staircase leading up to a beautifully carpeted balconey that overlooked the front. Then a long hall with many doors and more doors unseen, could be seen behind it. Below the balconey, was a opening, large and wide, at least six feet tall, and 5 feet wide, lead into a gourment kitchen and huge pantry and other unseen things. I tried to speak, but i was muffled by gags. I noticed my team around me, in sepreate glass cages, still asleep. A loud clock bang awoke and banged 11 times. It must be 11:00 A.M
I thought. The other girls woke up and the clicking of the clock. A tall, muscular looking man, about in his late 30's walked down the left marble staircase. " Ah, your awake. Good. I'll go get my sons to show them the can open their slave boxs now." He walked back up the staircase and disappered down the hall. Thoughts swirled into Violetts mind. Slave? They weren't slaves. Then she remebered last night.

The cops had circled them and put them into slave suits so they could be bought at the slave market. A guy came up to the cops and bought the girls. They were loaded into a delivery truck and droven to a elengamt looking mansion, before pink mist was pumped into the glass boxs and the girls feel asleep.

Then she remembered the man looked oddly like the one who had just spoken. Same chocolate brown hair, lightly tanned skin, diamond green eyes, light blue flannel shirt and black jeans. I looked around abosorbing all the information of the mansion. I might need it later, if i was going to escape. Then, i heard the patter of people coming down the stairs. 11 people came down the stairs, 1 of them the father, the others, sons, i guessed. " Sons, these are the slaves I bought for you. The costed a lot so take good care of them. A little. Now go choose the one you want. " The father said. The boys sepearated and looked around the girls. A tall, handsome blonde haired boy walked infront of me. " This one. " He said, his electric blue eyes sparking. He had white skin, a green shirt on and black jeans like his father. The father snapped and the all the locks popped off, except one, in case I tried to escape. A short spiky brown haired boy stood infront of Roses cage and a red headed one stood infront of Crystals cage. Other boys stood infront of the other girls of her team on,but i was unable to get a look at all of them because more of the mist filled my cage and i fell asleep.

I woke up in a medium sized room, still in my cage, if course. I looked around, taking in the features of the room. It had a marble sealing and floor, but the walls were carpeted. The had strange but beatiful designs on them. A king sized bed sat next to the left cornor of the wall. A dresser sat in the middle of a space between what looked like the enterance and closet. Suddenly, the door opened. The same blonde haired guy who had ' claimed ' me, walked in. " Oh so your awake now. " He said grinning. He opened the glass cage and pulled me out, setting me on a couch. He pulled off the gags so i could talk and untied my binds. " Where am i? " I asked. " Your in my house. " He said, his grin still on his face. " I'm a vampire and so are my brothers and father. " He said again. My jaw dropped. He could suck my blood, sink his fangs into my neck. The thought sent a shiver down my spine. I had to escape. I thought. I looked around and spotted the door was open a crack. " Follow me. " He said, standing and turning around and walking toward the door. I followed him. I could feel my hair brushing my uncovered legs softly. As soon as i was out of the room, i bolted down the hall, away from the staircase the guy was leading me. I decided i would find a room and hide in it until i discovered part two of my plan. I tried the first door close to me. Locked. I tried the second one. Locked again. When i tried the third, door, suprisingly, it opened. The door was made of cherry wood with a large ' D ' carved into it. I walked inside and closed the door behind me. Inside, the walls were painted navy blue and a fuzzy ivory white chair sat by a desk near a balconey that had double french glass doors. A blue and white bed sat facing the balconey. I heard footsteps near the door. I had to hide. I pushed the balconey curtains aside and sat down on the left side of the balconey, sweeping the curtains back, hiding me. Then, the door knob turned and my heart started to race.


Hey guys!! I hope your enjoing my book!! Please comment, i love feedback from fans. Oh and just tell me if you want me to upload more chapters. This is my first vampire book so please tell me if you like it or not!! Thanks and read on my pringles!

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