Chapter Three

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We pulled up to the house, and I felt a knot start to form in my stomach. I climb out of the car and Johnny and I start to unload my luggage from the car. I feel sick. I don't want to go in. I'm so not ready for this. I take deep breaths, trying to make myself feel better. Johnny stops beside me outside the front door, noticing that I'm feeling a little uneasy.

            "Sarah...if there's anything at all, anything you need help with, or any questions you have about know you can come to me, right?" He says, placing a hand on my arm as I nod. "If there's anything you're unsure about once you get in here...if there's anything that you're worried about, or need answers about...I'm right here...okay?"

            "Thank you", I softly smile.

            "Look, I'm sorry if I've freaked you out, or made you nervous or uneasy by telling you what I did...I just wanted to give you the heads deserve to know what kind of environment you're coming into..."

            "Don't worry – its fine. I appreciate you looking out for me, Johnny". I give him a little half-hug, only being able to use one arm to do so as my other arm was loaded down with luggage.

            "You ready?" Johnny says, taking his house key from his pocket.

            "As I'll ever be..." I say, taking a deep breath as Johnny opens the door. This is it – there is definitely no going back now.

Johnny swung the door open and stepped back to let me in. I drag my luggage into the middle of the floor and drop it on the floor, exhaling deeply as I do so. Johnny follows me with the rest of my luggage. I bend down to pick my stuff up from the floor, but Johnny stops me.

            "Hey, hey!" He exclaims, shaking his head. "Don't you get that...I'll take it to your room!" He flashes a cheesy grin. "You've had a long flight...just make yourself at home, I'll be back in a minute", and with that he disappeared up the stairs with my luggage. The house seems pretty empty, so I stroll into the kitchen to get myself some water – I'm feeling pretty parched after the journey. I guess having visited her numerous times before already means that I'm ahead in the game – I already know where things are (I think – unless the guys have rearranged things since I was last here), so I guess that's less things for me to learn anew. It should be like riding a bike – you never forget. It might take a short while, but it will all eventually come back to me in the end. I rummage through the cupboards in the kitchen in search of a glass.

            "Hey stranger!" A male voice says, scaring me so much that I jump a little, my feet actually leaving the ground. I snap my head around to see who it is.

            "Jakes! You scared me!" I say, breathlessly laughing, relieved that it's a friendly face that caught me going through the kitchen cupboards.

            "It's good to see you, Parker", he smiles as he comes towards me, arms open and ready for a hug.

            "It's good to see you, too", I grin. I guess I underestimated how nice it would be to see old friends again.

            "Congratulations on graduating as well. I'm very proud!"

            "Well, thank you, Jakes. It feels weird to have finally finished..." I sigh.

            "Well you're a fully-fledged Agent now. It's good to have you on board!" He says, patting me on the back.

            "Thank you", I smile.

            "Let me know if you need anything?" He winks, before turning to walk away.

            "Actually, Jakes!" I squint a little, not wanting to be a pain. I know when he said that that he didn't mean right now this minute, but I really needed water. "I could really use a drink...and I forgot where the glasses are..." I flash my sweetest smile, and he eventually comes toward me to help me out. "Thank you!" I shout happily.

            "I thought I heard you talking..." I hear another voice say as Jakes pours me a drink. I turn my head towards the lounge area and see Charlie standing there. A smile works its way across her face and she opens her arms, and I rush over to her to hug her. "It's so good to see you again, sweetie!" She says, squeezing me. That was something I always liked about Charlie – there's something quite maternal and loving about her. It was always clear to me that she was Graceland's Mother hen.

            "You too", I sigh contentedly. We break the hug and Jakes hands me my glass of water before lolloping onto the sofa. I stand against the kitchen counter drinking my water.

            "Has Paul seen you yet?"

            "No...but I don't need to see –" I start, but Charlie cuts me off by shouting him.

            "Paul!" She yells. "Your sister's here!" She looks back at me. "He's really been looking forward to seeing you. It's all he's talked about –"

            "Oh, I bet he has", I say, a hint of sarcasm in my voice as I sip my water.

            "Paul!" She shouts again. I hear footsteps jogging down the stairs, and I cringe. I'm not ready for this. I'm still incredibly annoyed at him – not just because he ruined my D.C. plans, but also because, according to Johnny, there are some issues that Paul has been keeping hidden from me. I remember that he told me once that there were "no secrets in Graceland" – for his sake, I hope he practices what he preaches.

            "Well if it isn't my baby sister!" Paul announces as he enters the kitchen, arms wide open as he envelops me into a big bear hug. I admit, I've missed his hugs...but that doesn't change my feelings towards him at the minute. Although he's completely over-the-top; ruffling my hair, squeezing me far too tightly, and smothering my head in kisses.

            "Okay Paul..." I fake smile. "You can stop's good to see you too", I say through my gritted teeth smile as I pat his back. Johnny runs down the stairs and joins Jakes on the sofa.

            "We have a lot of catching up to do!"

            "We sure do!" I say sarcastically, play-punching his arm, but making it a little harder. I don't know why I did it. I guess it just made me feel like I was getting some of my frustration out.

            "Oh, it's so good to have you here!" He smiles, just staring at me as if he can't quite believe I'm here. "And there's someone I'd like you to meet..." He gestures over to a young man, the aforementioned 'new-guy' standing at the other side of the kitchen island. "Agent Sarah Parker, FBI – Meet Agent Michael Warren, FBI".

            "Mikey Warren?" I say surprised, and in a little disbelief.

            "Sarah Parker, what are you doing here?" He shakes his head, laughing in just as much disbelief and wonder as me.

            "You two know each other?" Paul has the most confused and dazed look on his face. How could I forget Michael Warren? The golden-boy of Quantico! No matter how hard you try, he's pretty impossible to forget...

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