Chapter Forty-Four

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I close my eyes in disbelief, as if the tighter I close my eyes, the further back in time I can go, erasing everything that Mike has just confessed to my brother.

"Outside!" Paul growls through gritted teeth as he storms out of our Church pew. I keep staring forward, refusing to look at either Mike or Paul, hoping that if I continue to stare at one spot on the wall then I won't break down. Mike places a hand on my back, perhaps in an attempt to reassure me that everything will be okay. I keep my eyes staring ahead, not tearing my eyes from the spot on the wall. His hand remains there, and I can feel his eyes looking at me, but I refuse to look at him. One look at Mike's face, and I'll lose it. Reluctantly, and perhaps a little defeated that I didn't return his stare, Mike follows Paul out of the pew, down the Church aisle, and out the front door. The Church hymn comes to an end, and the preacher instructs us to be seated. He starts reading a passage from the Bible, but I don't hear a word he says as I sit down and grip the edge of my seat, my thoughts running wild and my head spinning. I quietly stand up and squeeze my way past Charlie so that I can get out of the row.

"Honey, are you okay?" Mum asks quietly.

"I'll be back in a minute..." I whisper back, giving a small nod of the head before rushing as calmly and coolly as I can, so as not to draw any attention to myself. I get outside the Church just in time to see Paul shoving Mike's shoulders as he squares up to him.

"What did you just say?!" Paul shouts as Mike stumbles backwards. "You're doing what with my sister?!"

"We're not 'doing' anything!" Mike shouts back, trying not to retaliate.

"Then what are you doing?!" Paul howls. "This isn't some kind of game!"

"I'm in love with her!" The sound of Mike's answer still rings in the air even after he's spoken. Paul stares in sickened outrage.

"You're what?!" Paul rages. "She's my sister!!! What part of 'leave her alone' didn't you understand?! You just couldn't keep your hands to yourself, could you?!"

"Paul, stop!" I rush to split them up, standing as a barrier between them to protect Mike. And not just because it's my job to protect him, or because Agent Matthews would be on my case if I didn't, but because I care for him.

"I could kill you, Mike!" Paul yells.

"...I love him, too..." I admit causing Paul to fall silent, breathing heavily as he tries to regain some kind of composure. He stares at my face and I look at him, pleading with him to understand.

"What did you just say?" He asks slowly in a low tone. I feel my cheeks starting to burn in embarrassment and slight panic under my brother's stern and questioning stare.

"...I...uh..." I answer self-consciously.

"Because, I'm sure I'm not hearing you correctly!" He mocks. I don't answer, and look at him, letting him know that he heard me perfectly. "Do you hear yourself, Sarah?! You can't actually be serious?!" He shifts his weight from one foot to the other in agitation. "Him?! You pick him?!" He points at Mike in disgusted disbelief. "I always thought that you were smarter than that! That you had higher standards that THAT!" He thrusts his hand gesturing towards Mike.

"Paul!" I hear a voice snap from the Church doorway, and I whip my head around to see Charlie standing there. "Get back in that Church, right now!" Paul just stares at her, breathing heavily. "...Now!" She raises her eyebrows harshly. Paul storms away from Mike and me to join Charlie on the front steps of the Church.

"And Paul..." I call after him just as he opens the door to re-enter the Church, prompting him to turn around to face me as I place my hand in Mike's. "I do pick him...It's always been him..."

I wanted the Church service to last forever. I sat through the rest of it dreading the moment that I would have to come face to face with Paul again. Charlie and Paul had sat on one side of my parents and Mike and I purposely sat on the other, using my parents as a barrier between Paul and Mike in an attempt to keep them apart. The Church Pastor announces the benediction and says a final prayer before dismissing us. As the pianist plays a soft hymn, we start to file out of the rows. I feel a gentle hand rest on my arm.

"Honey, is everything okay?" She asks knowingly.

"Yeah...Paul's just having a little bit of a moment...but whatever..." I sigh sarcastically. "I guess he was going to have this tantrum sooner or later..."

"He'll survive..." She smirks, tapping her hand on my shoulder. Mike reaches out and takes my hand in his, and I tilt my head upwards to look at him as we walk out of the Church. A smile of relief starts to form on his lips, which in turn manages to encourage my own smile to appear. And I admit, it feels nice to be able to hold his hand in front of everyone, not having to hide it anymore, afraid that Paul will see us. It's all out in the open, and whether Paul likes it or not, Mike and I are together.

Post-Church dinner is bearable. Paul manages to keep a tight hold on any anger that he might be feeling. But I have no doubt that it will make an appearance later. Dad offers to buy everyone a drink before we go, and I volunteer to go with him. I rest my arms on the bar as we wait.

"Thanks for dinner, Dad...the guys all really like you", I smile as I turn my head to glance over at our table in the restaurant – everyone getting on well, my younger brothers have found their new heroes, and now that everything is out in the open, things for me at Graceland are starting to look up.

"It's the least I could do", Dad smiles bashfully.

"And thanks for coming down...I...things got on top of really meant a lot that you came –" I add, quietly and sincerely.

"Oh baby!" Dad puts an arm around me and I snuggle in. No matter how old I may get, Dad's hugs will always make me feel safe and protected. "You're my little girl...what else was I going to do?" He jokes. "I'm sorry things have been so difficult..."

"It's fine..." I sigh.

"But you seem happy enough now..." He smiles lovingly. "...And...Mike and I had a chance to talk...he told me about you and him...and...he really cares about you...he seems like a real nice have my blessing..."

"Daddy..." I snuggle into him again, not able to express how much it means to me that he's said that. "I love you..."

"I love you, too..." He strokes me hair. We're interrupted by the bartender coming back over to give us the drinks for our table, so we break apart.

"So, you think you and Mike will be friends?" I smirk.

"Well, I already like him better than James –" He laughs.

"That's not hard!" I snort, cutting him off.

"The boy is already miles ahead...and he loves you – we have that in common. So, I think we'll get on just fine!" He beams. We turn back to walk towards the table, drinks in our hands. I feel slightly relieved that Dad approves of Mike. Now all I have to worry about is Paul.

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