Chapter 4: The Escape & Conversation

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"Stop the car! She's trying to escape!!" Evie said and Jay stopped the car before we all climbed out. "I am a sea witch! I don't belong here!" Morgana yelled angrily. The 3 boys (Shawn, Jay, & Carlos) ran towards Morgana who blasted them with her necklace. I looked at Ben before pulling him behind me. I looked over at Mal and her eyes started glowing before she was surrrounded by purple smoke. She then turned into the same dragon she turned into at Cotillion and start flying. Morgana smirked before she dropped her mouth in shock. I looked over at Nathan who was looking at my sister and grabbed his arm before putting him behind me. Morgana then used her necklace to blast her magic towards Mal who groaned. She then blasted Mal again and I pushed Ben and Nathan away from me as I felt my hands start to burn. My eyes started glowing blue and my hair glowed blue before I was surrounded by blue smoke. I started floating in the air and Morgana stared. I nodded towards Mal and she started blowing wind at Morgana before I flew though the barrier pushing Morgana onto the ground. She rolled away and stood up, glaring at me. "You really wanna test me right now, Squid?" I asked her. She walked over towards me and I blasted my magic towards her again.  

"Kaylin!" I looked up and saw Dad & Persephone run over. They lifted up Morgana, Mom wrapping her vines around Morgana's body. They both looked at me and I blew a kiss towards them. They waved back and I turned back towards the entrance to the Isle. The barrier came down and I walked through the barrier before it closed behind me. Ben ran over before lifting me up and hugging me tightly. "Don't you ever scare me like that again..." He whispered. "I won't. I just had to push her back through the barrier." I said and he put me back down. Gizmo ran over and I petted his head. Shawn also hugged me tightly and I hugged him back. I turned to Mal who was sighing. "Are you okay?" I asked her. "No. She was draining all of my magic with the shell necklace and I felt... all of my power slipping away." She said. "You're safe. She's back where she belongs." I said. "Yeah, for now." She said. "We should go." Ben said and we nodded.

Third Person POV (Inside the Museum)

"You really think you the most perfect life, don't you, ladies? You all will regret hurting my feelings and for turning your back on the Isle. Everybody in Auradon will feel my wrath...."

Later on that day

We were back at Auradon and we were now inside Ben's office. The people inside were me, Gizmo, Mal, Nathan, Ben, Adam/Beast, Belle, Naveen, Tiana, and Fairy Godmother. "I think we all know why we are here. The people are in a panic about Morgana. She almost got out." Beast said and I crossed my arms. "Who knows what he would've done if she had escaped." Fairy Godmother said, making me nod. "We can't risk having another villain on the loose." Beast told us and we all nodded. "I really feel like this is my fault. I'm supposed to protect Auradon." I looked over at Mal. I could feel her anxiety radiating off of her like crazy... "You did. You do protect Auradon." Nathan said. "Every time we open the barrier, we're exposed to danger. Maleficent, Marissa, Morgana." Beast said and we all looked at him again. Before any of us could say another word, Ben's phone went off and he took the call. He ended the call and turned back around, his face had dropped. "Maleficent's scepter and the queen's crown have been stolen." Fairy Godmother and Tiana both gasped in shock. I turned around, putting my hands behind my neck, and closing my eyes while sighing heavily. "Marissa?" Beast said. "We don't know that, Dad." Ben said. I looked to the Isle and my eyes widened, thinking of an idea internally.

"When the people hear this, they will never wanna leave their houses." Belle said. "Think about all of the royals who had trauma with the villains in the past." Tiana said. "What do we tell them?" Belle said before they both turned to my sister. "Mal... what do we do? How do we keep evil out of Auradon?" Belle asked Mal. "I think that there's only... one way to guarantee their safety. And I think that there... can't be any more going in and out. I think that we have to close the barrier... forever." My eyes widened. "No." I said. "Kaylin." Mal told me. "No. We are not doing that." I said. "Kaylin." Mal said again. "No! Mal, are you serious with me right now?!" I said. I grabbed Gizmo's leash again before we left the room. I ran over to my dorm room before shutting the door. I texted Shawn to get over to my dorm as fast as possible and to bring Hadie & Celia with him. I grabbed my backpack and started packing up some of the main stuff I would need. The door opened and Shawn, Hadie, & Celia walked inside. "What's going on? Why did you need us?" Hadie asked. "I thought you were in the meeting." Shawn said. "We need to go to the Isle and grab Dad and Mom." I said and their faces dropped. "What?! Are you serious?! Auradon would never let us?" Shawn said. "The Royals are planning on closing the barrier." I said. "What?!" The three of them said. "It was Mal's idea and be more quiet. Auradon needs to learn that there are such things as good & changed villains and still evil villains. You guys need to come with me." I said.

"Yeah, we'll go with you. Let me go grab the guards and our bikes. Hadie, come on!" Shawn said. I looked at Celia.

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