Peeta Mellark x OC

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Petta's POV:

Being picked for the 74th annual hunger games was the best and worst thing that ever happened to me. Being a tribute could allow me to talk to Evelyn, the winner of the 70th annual game, and probably one of the prettiest girls I've ever seen. She was going to mentor Katniss and I along with this drunk guy who everyone called Haymitch.

We were currently on a train to the capital. The other tribute, Katniss Everdeen, was sat across me, while Haymitch was getting his 3rd drink since we got on then train. Evelyn was talking to Effie, the tribute escort.

She was prettier in person. Her blonde hair was up in a ponytail, though she had a few strands sticking in her face.

She looked stressed. I overheard her talking about a boy. My jealousy was creeping up on me. She started crying.

"I can't have them die like the others did. They are just children." Evelyn sobbed into Effie's shoulder.

Evelyn finally collected herself before walking out to what I assume was the bathroom.

It made me realize that I should probably go before we got to the capital.

As I walked by, Evelyn rounded the corner. I bumped into her.

"Oh I'm sorry" She said looking down clearly trying to cover that she was crying.

"You don't need to apologize, I should have been looking where I was going." I said stuttering as I watched the beautiful women in front of me.
I never noticed how many scars she had. She had one on her cheek and one going down her eye. Must be from the games.

"Hey, are you alright?" I say with worry. She looked so tired.

"Yeah, are you? I know this must be hard to process." Her eyes still glossy.

  I thought about it for a second,"It's a little overwhelming but yeah, I'm doing okay."

I didn't even realize I was staring into her eyes until she cleared her throat.

"Well, I better go get Haymitch sober before we arrive at the capital," she giggled a little, "I'll see you later, yea?"

"Yeah, for sure." I mentally kicked myself. I made myself look like a creep.

She scooted past me and made her way over to everyone else.

I couldn't help but stare as she walked away.

She turned around quickly, and said something that made the already butterflies, flutter more in my stomach.

"And Peeta? Look for me later, I want to show you something."

She wants to show me something? Just me?

"Looking forward to it,"

She smiled then turned and walked away.

She makes me crazy.

Katniss walked through the door and spoke in an annoyed tone, "We're here."

I sighed, walking after her. I put a fake smile on, and walked through the train doors with Katniss at my side. Evelyn and Haymitch behind us, also smiling.

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