Anne and Marcy's Love

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The Next Day...

Anne and Marcy woke up and hear shouting from the living room, they get up and head downstairs. They see Sprig and Polly arguing like usual but they were watching a show called 'The Owl House'. "Amity is better than Hunter!" Polly yelled. "No! Hunter is better than Amity!" Sprig yelled. "Oh here we go." Anne said. They walk downstairs as Anne and Marcy sit down on the couch and watch The Owl House.

"Hey Marcy?" Anne said. Marcy looks at her. "Yeah Anne?" Marcy said. "Amity reminds me so much of you." Anne said. Marcy's eyes widen in shock. "She does?" Marcy asked. "Yeah, she's very smart like you and you would honestly rock her clothes so hard." Anne said. Marcy's eyes soften as she lays her head on Anne's shoulder. "Hunter reminds me so much of Sasha, she and him honestly would be perfect for each other." Marcy said.

"Yeah, I would say you fit Amity more than Hunter. I honestly think you would be a perfect Amity, Marcy." Anne said. Marcy smiles as she snuggles up next to Anne and holds her hand. "Marcy, if I was Luz, I would honestly want you to be my Amity and Sasha be my Hunter." Anne said. Marcy's eyes widen as Luz and Amity are dating in The Owl House so that means Anne and her would date as well.

The thought of dating Anne was something she never imagined as she thought that Anne wouldn't like having a girlfriend or a boyfriend, Marcy then continued to think about dating Anne. The concept of having a boyfriend or a girlfriend never hit Marcy ether as she remembers everything that she Anne did together in Amphibia and what they did during their free time.

Anne looks at Marcy and smiled. "Marcy, if I wanted to date someone, I would love to date you." Anne said. Marcy's eyes widen as she feels her face heat up as a result of this, Anne saw Marcy's flustered face and giggles. "Let's go back upstairs, you beautiful human you." Anne said. This causes Marcy to be more flustered than ever. Anne picks Marcy up, bridal style and heads upstairs and head to her bedroom.

Anne plops Marcy down on the bed and goes on top of Marcy, which made Marcy blush even more. "Marcy, your so cute when you're embarrassed." Anne said. Marcy was getting more flustered as her heart started pounding. Anne brings Marcy in for a kiss as Marcy begun to blush even more. Anne strokes Marcy's hair and cheeks as she feels how soft and warm Marcy's lips are.

Marcy was shocked Anne is kissing her and pushes her off. "Anne, why did you do that?" Marcy asked. Anne's cheeks turn red as her eyes soften. "Marcy, I Love You So Much." Anne said. Marcy's eyes widen as she blushes even more, Anne takes her pajamas off and her underwear off. Marcy blushes even more at the sight of Anne being naked.

Anne smirks as she puts Marcy's legs on her shoulders and grabs the top of Marcy's pajama pants and underwear and pulls them off, Anne starts kissing Marcy's neck. Marcy feels this and knew this was wrong. "Anne, Stop It!" Marcy said. Anne stops and looks at her in confusion. "But, don't you want to do this?" Anne asked. "No!" Marcy said. Anne sighed and puts her underwear pajamas back on, Marcy puts her underwear and pajama pants back on too.

The two sit on the bed in silence as Anne is a shamed of herself. "Marcy, I'm so sorry. I do t know what got into me." Anne said. Marcy looks at her and tuns her head towards her. "Anne, I forgive you, just never do that again, promise?" Marcy asked. Anne hugs her tightly. "I promise." Anne said. The two hug as Marcy smirks. "Anne, your a really good kisser, you know that?" Marcy said. Anne's eyes widen as her cheeks turn red. "Thanks Marcy, your a good kisser too." Anne said.

The two lay down and hold each other tightly. "Hey Anne?" Marcy said. "Yeah Marcy?" Anne said. "Thanks for saving my life, My Hero." Marcy said. Anne's cheeks turn red as her eyes soften. "You're welcome, My Princess." Anne said in a baby voice. Marcy blushes and nuzzles in Anne's chest. "Hey Anne?" Marcy said. "Yeah Marcy?" Anne said. "What dose this make us?" Marcy asked.

Anne was thinking about what this meant, she felt like she Anne and Marcy were friends forever and this seems to be a little scary but Anne wouldn't change it for anything else in the world. This might be the best thing that has ever happened to her as she looks at Marcy and kisses her forehead. "Marcy, this is a little bit scary and I've been scared of many things in my life, but I wouldn't change this for anything in the world. So..." Anne said.

"So?" Marcy said as she pondered. Marcy looks at Anne with Anne staring back at her, Anne kisses Marcy again before saying it. "Marcy Wu, will you be my girlfriend?" Anne asked. Marcy's eyes teared up as she smiles. "Yes! Anne! Yes!" Marcy said. She and Anne kiss as they hug each other tightly. "Anne, I Love You." Marcy said. "I Love You Too, Marcy." Anne said. She kissed Marcy's forehead as the two fall asleep in each other's arms.

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