it doesn't change the way I feel about you (requested)

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"Thank you!" Jiwon smiled at the waiter as he grabbed your menus after you both finished ordering before walking away.

You sat across from Jiwon, nervously playing with your fingers.

"Are you okay?" She asked as she noticed how quiet you were.

"Yeah, fine." You said, forcing a smile.

"If you're not having fun on this date-"

"No! That's not it at all, Jiwon. I am, I swear. I like you a lot."

She smiled as she reached across the table to take your hand into hers.

"I like you too."

It's not your first date.

Actually, it's more like your third one.

You and Jiwon are crazy about each other and you both have a feeling that your relationship, though still new, could become something long-lasting and extremely special.

However, there's something you haven't told her quite yet that you fear might drive her away.

It's bothering you, weighing heavily on your shoulders, and she can tell.

"If it's not me or our date, then what's going on? Why do you seem so nervous?"

"There's something I haven't told you yet and I'm nervous it might scare you away."

"You can tell me." She said as she brushed her thumb across your hand in comfort.

"It's just, I've told other people in the past and they didn't react very well."

"Well, I'm not them." She said. "So tell me."

You took a deep breath before your lips parted and you told her.

"I have two anxiety disorders." You said. "Generalized anxiety and social anxiety. Sometimes, it bothers me a lot. I have more than my fair share of bad days. A lot of stuff is hard for me to do."

"Like ordering?" She asked, to which you nodded. "That's why you have me order for you?"

You nodded again.

"It just makes me so anxious. A lot of stuff makes me anxious. Sometimes, it can be hard to handle but it's not just hard on me."

She nodded understandingly.

"I don't know if this changes the way you feel about me but I wanted to put it out there."

She chuckled softly before she brought your hand to her lips for a kiss.

"Darling, it doesn't bother me at all. It doesn't change the way I feel about you."


"Yeah, really. I like you a lot, Y/N. I'm not going to be bothered by your mental health. A lot of people struggle with anxiety. I have anxiety. I know yours is more serious but that's okay. I understand and I'm not scared away by your struggles."

Her words were so reassuring and so refreshing to hear.

It felt nice to hear someone say that they understood and that your mental health was no inconvenience to them because sometimes, it can feel that way.

"You're human, you struggle. I get that. I won't ever judge you for it. If you have a bad day, I'll try to help you the best I can. I won't judge you. I'm not that kind of person."

You sent her a smile and she melted at the sight.

"There's that beautiful smile." She said. "That's what I like to see. Don't ever be afraid to tell me anything. I'm not a judgmental person and that won't ever change. I'm here for you, Y/N."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome." She said, continuing to brush her fingers across your hand. "Now, relax a little. Enjoy our date. It's going to be a great night."

You nodded your head as you smiled from ear to ear, certain you'd found someone that finally cared and understood you.

And you felt pretty lucky about that.

Liz Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now