Chapter 2: Snow Way!

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A.N( I forgot to talk about this sooner but if your wondering where Tracker is he went back to be with Carlos 2 months after the battle. Everest went to be with Jake every now and then but since she loved Marshall and wanted to be with him he stayed at the lookout more often)

Now enjoy the story

It was the next morning and everyone was asleep. A few minutes later Everest began to wake up.

Everest: *yawns* "Ugh.... what time is it?"

Everest slowly got out of bed making sure not to wake up Marshall. She got up and gave him a kiss on the cheek before quietly leaving the room. Everest walked up to the top of the lookout and looked outside and saw snow on the streets and buildings. As well as snowflakes slowly falling from the sky.

Everest: *gasp* "It's snowing!"

Everest was trying to keep herself together and not wake anyone up which was difficult for the pup. Everest loved snow more than anything, apart from her clumsy and silly boyfriend Marshall.

Everest: "Ohhh I can't wait for everyone else to wake up so we can go play in the snow!"

Everest was wagging her tail happily while looking through the glass at all the snow.

Time Skip

A few minutes later Marshall woke up.

Marshall: *yawns* "Good morning Mr Teddy. Good morning Eve."

Marshall noticed his girlfriend was not in the bed with him.

Marshall: "Eve? Where did she go? Maybe she got up early."

Marshall got up quietly making sure not to wake anyone else up.

Marshall made his way to the top of the lookout and not ti his surprise he saw Everest sitting there lookout out the glass at the snow covered city with her tail wagging.

Marshall: "Good morning Eve."

Everest turned around when she heard her boyfriend's voice.

Everest: "Good morning my Marshmallow."

Everest gave Marshall a kiss on the lips.

Marshall: "I figured you'd be up here since it was gonna snow today."

Everest: "Yeah, but we have to wait for everyone else to wake up."

Marshall: "Dina and Chase are out taking a walk right now. I think we can go and have a little fun."

Everest: "You really think so?"

Marshall: "I know so, but let me call Dina first so no one worries about us."

Everest: "Ok, I'll go get our scarves and your winter hat."

Marshall: "Thanks Eve."

Marshall lovingly nuzzled Everest on the cheek making her chuckle a bit. Everest then walked off to get their winter attire.

Meanwhile with Dina and Chase

Dina and Chase were taking a walk around the city. Dina wore her winter attire with her purple and white scarf and earmuffs. Chase was wearing his blue and yellow winter hat and scarf.

Chase: *humming Jingle Bell song*

Dina: "It really feels like Christmas season now."

Chase: "Yeah, speaking of Christmas we need to decorate our Christmas tree soon."

Dina: "Oh yeah we do. I forgot about that."

The two walked silently for a moment.

Chase: "I wonder if anyone else is awake?"

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