02: I'm Only a Stepmother, But My Daughter is Just So Cute!

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Name: I'm Only a Stepmother, But My Daughter is Just So Cute!

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Name: I'm Only a Stepmother, But My Daughter is Just So Cute!

Author: Yir
Artist: Yir

Summary: This is an alternative story about Snow White, in which I was reborn as her stepmother.
I found myself in the world of a book in which the stepmother was so jealous of her stepdaughter that she tried to kill her with a poisoned apple. It would have happened if my dear, lovely and pretty Blanche hadn't been able to captivate me.

FL: Abigail Freidkin

FL: Abigail Freidkin

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Rating: 5/5

Other: Honestly I wasn't sure about this story at first but the art style captivated me- and so did Blanche! She's such a cutie. Abigail is a great FL, and so far the storyline has been pretty interesting. I like that the FL actually has a hobby and a relatable personality.

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