Stopping The Abuse

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(2 years ago)

"Hey babe I made you a sandwich like you asked" I say nervously. "Give it to me" he yells. I walk over to him and give it to him. "What the fuck is this Paris" he says angerly. "I'm s-sorry" I stutter in fear. " you are going yo get punished now" he yells. He walks over to me and grabs my wrist. He slammed my hand on the table. "OW" I cry. He let's go of my hand and punches in in the eye. "Learn to do it right bitch" he tells me angerly. "Y-yes sir" I say. I walk to the bathroom and close the door. I look at my bruised hand. "I deserve this... it's my fault.." I whisper to myself over and over again. I go to the bathroom and get out and make his sandwich again. "Here you go sir" I say. "Finally something good for once" he yells. "Its the same sandwich I made a second ago exactly the same..." I think to myself. I grab a knife and walk into the bathroom again. I cut my arms and thighs. I clean it off and walk out.

I go into our room and lay down. I hear the front door shut. "He went out again.." I mumble. I wake up to yelling. "WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU PARIS" He yells. I run out. He is drunk again. The grabs and empty glass bottle and slams it on my head. The glass shattered and blood started dripping from my head. My head is spinning. I fell to the floor because of the pain. I walk to the bathroom and disinfect it and bandage it. Me and him lays in bed. I hear him start to snore. I grab my things and open the door and close it quietly. I get in the Uber and hurry off. I get nervous and start having a panic attack. "You okay ma'am?" The guy asks. "Y-yes.. please take me to The police station." I say. "Okay" he says.

He drops me off and I feel dizzy. I go in and sit. "Ma'am do you need something?" The lady asked. "I need to report something" I say scared. "Report what?" She asks. "Abuse" I say. "Abuse to who?" She asks. "Me" I say.  "What's the abusers first middle and last name?" She asks concerned. "Jack andoria tree" I say. "Okay for you have anywhere safe to stay?" She asks. "No.." I say. "Okay.. is the abuser in this town?" She asks me. "Yes his address is ********* 28 ave" I say. "Okay stay here for now we will handle this." She says sternly. 30 mins later he comes into the police station hand cuffed. "IM GOING TO GET REVENGE ON YOU PARIS. GO TO HELL PARIS" He screams at me. He tries to jump at me but the police officers hold him back and lock him up for 3 years. I feel.. released from the chanse of the abuse. I feel.. happy.

After that I get a job at a restaurant and get an apartment. Then I met a guy named Jason while working there. We start talking to eachother and go on dates and have fun. I finally get ahold of my friends I haven't talked to for 1 year. I thought they would be mad at me and dump me but... they were happy to hear from me and asked to meet up to know what happened. We meet up and I tell them everything. They see my bruised eye ans fractured hand. They pull me into a hug. I tell them about I guy I'm talking to. They all look at me nervously. "He is a good guy.. I think.. I don't fully trust him yet.." I say. "I don't. Blame you after being through all that" Ashley says ( one of her best friends). "Hey if you want to stay with me and my husband you can I'd you want. If you don't feel safe" Ashley says. I refuse. "Well I don't care you are coming with me" She says proudly. "Oh okay" I say

She takes me to her place and shows me around and my room. Then her husband walked in. He gives Ashley a hug and a kiss on the cheek. And he goes out to shake my hand and I accidentally flinch putting my hands over my face. He looks at Ashley worried he did something wrong. "You didn't do anything wrong honey.. she was abused for 1 year " she whispers to him. He backs up and leaves the room. I uncover my face and feel bad for him. "Dont feel bad.. it's a reflex now.. it will go away" She said pulling me into a hug. The next day when I see him I introduce myself. He puts his hand out to shake again. I flinch alittle but then shake his hand.. he looks.. oddly familiar. He kinda looks like.. me?

The next day I go back to work. I work at 3 jobs. I meet up with the guy I was talking about with my friends his name is Jason. He has dirty blonde fluffy hair, dark brown eyes, and he seems to have a good personality.. that's also what I thought with jack.


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