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(A/N yes, I'm making a part two. Yes this is partly an excuse for me to talk about some cool historical people. Read if you want if not I can't make you)

~Anne Boleyn~

Maybe Lena knows these two maybe she's just tired. Regardless we all made our way to the living room where they were. They both sat on opposite sides of the couch staring off into space.

All the queens walked down with me, Jane seemed to take note of the scars on Jone rather quickly. Lena also seemed to be taken aback by Jone and looked at her with a sense of recognition.

"Okay, queens say hello to the new people." We all said our names one at a time,

"Okay Jane can you please lay down the house rules and explain to them where they are, I will go make breakfast."

~jane pov~

I nodded at Anne as her and the others walked off. Anne went to the kitchen and the others went to there rooms. "Okay, we are all from a time in history, I'm assuming you know that." The two noded, "And now we are in a different time, literally, you are in the year 2016." I wated to let what I said sink in.

"You might or might not have memories of how you died. If you don't now you will soon, likely in a dream or something of the sort. If you don't wish to talk about your past life then you don't have to. If you do wish to talk of it then you may. But don't look into someone's past without asking first. You might already know some of each other or the other queens. But some of us are sensitive about their past."

Both of the newcomers noded and Jane continued, "Aside from memory's things such as scars will still be there. If you have questions about your past I would suggest asking Lena, she's good with that sort of thing, things like nightmares because of your past I would recommend Anne, anything about this time like what is and isn't legal how to use something talk to Kat or Anna, and of course I'm always open to talk."

~Time skip Brought to you by: The convent  that Julie D'Aubigny set on fire to save her gf~

~Boleyn pov~

Jane started talking to Julie and Jone, I went off to make breakfast for all of us, there are now, 8 of us, two eggs each, that's 16, we went to the market yesterday, we should have enough, I walked over to the fridge, there's two boxes of eggs, I took both out.

Kat will only eat scrambled eggs so I started with that. Mixed two eggs in a bole, after preheating a pan. Pored the eggs in the pan and made them the way Kat likes, witch is, where you cut them up while there cooking so there all in small bits. Technicaly ther called soft scrambled but I can never remember that. While I took a break from the eggs to make 2 pieces of toast, and put the wheat bread into the toaster. Then went back and finished the rest of her food.

I called her down, and she sat down at the table.

Next up Lena. Two sunny side up, for pieces of white toast and green tea. Not two hard.

I started with the toast this time. Two pieces at a time. Put the bread in, then cracked the eggs into the pan, and put a lid on top. I took out a plate then put the kettle on the stove. Took out the toast. Put more bread in.

Took the eggs out of the pan carefully put them on the plate and same with the toast.

I called Lena down, and had finished making her tea and placing everything on the table. She made her way down. I made sure to tell her that the tea was still hot and to be careful.

Next is Cathy, egg whites, and black coffee.

She's a strange girl that one. Seriously, yesterday she walked downstairs put a spoon of instant coffee in her mouth took a sip of water and walked back to her room.

Basically she's wired. Regardless I start to make her food.

I got a Piece of garlic and rubbed my fingers in it and picked up the yolk. (That's a strange a$$ spelling) I found out a while ago how to do this and now it's just become routine. (Also you can actually do this it super useful just don't break the yolk )

I cooked Cathy's food and called her down. And by this time Kat had already finished eating and made her way up stairs back to her own room.

Cathy made her way downstairs and sat down and started eating.

Now Anna. Over easy. Not exactly the easiest to make. Think sunny side up, but you need to flip it without breaking it and letting the yolk spill out. That and not cooking through the yolk. So it needs to be timed perfectly.

And it was. It almost wasn't but I did it. I made the toast and called Anna down.

Next up, Jane. She liked her eggs basted.

It was pretty much just sunny side up with a lid on top. Generally basted means liquid or steam is used to thoroughly cook the egg white without flipping. For instance, while frying an egg in butter, you repeatedly scoop and pour the extra butter on top of the egg. This cooks the yolk and top whites without forcing you to flip it. Alternatively, you can also squirt some water into the pan and then cover the egg with a lid, to steam the whites. If you do this quickly, you can cook the whole egg before the edges start to brown, which seems to be the appeal of basted eggs.

And for our new friends. Cloud eggs. There a lot easier than they sound. Depending on how you make them.

Separate the yolk, whisk the whites until they stick onto the whisk and then cook the whites in a pan on medium heat. Make toast and put the yolk back on top. Then repeat this process about 4 times for each egg.

I called Jule and Jone into the dining room, let them eat and then make my eggs.

Just a simple Spanish fried and toast.

~Lena pov~

After breakfast I made my way back to my room. I thought about Jule and jone. I don't know Jule but I definitely know Jone. Jone is Joan of Arc. She fought for France in the 100 years war.

The 100 years war was one of the stars of the war of the roses and the war of the roses eventually produced the house of Tudor.

Jone led France to victory in the 100 years war and once she was caught by England she was burnt at the stake for wearing men's clothes because the English just needed a reason to kill her.

But that Jule girl really got me like I think I've seen her in a doctor who comic. But I'm not entirely sure. So I looked it up.

According to Google 'Julie d'Aubigny was a swordswoman and opera singer from 17th century France. Julie was born on 1673 and, from early age, she was dressed as a boy, and was educated with them as well. When the Twelfth Doctor said she couldn't sing well, she challenged him to a sword fight.'

So basically, she's a singing sword welding cross dresser from 17th century France. This should be fun.

~Jule pov~

This is a strange place and time. Things are crazy, I'll need to read up on all of the stuff between now and then.

But right now we eat. That Anne girl made everyone's food. Jone and found ourselves in a dining room eating breakfast.

After a couple minutes Jone said "What year is it, exactly?" Anne looked up from her plate, "It's June of 2016." Jone nodded.

~ 2 week time skip brought to you by: Catherine of Aragon leading an army agents the Scottish while pregnant~

-Jone pov-
I like to think I'm adjusting well to this place but I don't have much to adjust to. I still don't remember much of anything. I've got two very distinct memories though. In one everything is dark like I have a blanket over my head and everything is uncomfortably hot and I can hear someone screaming, but I can't make out what they're saying. The other is me fighting in some battle then I feel a sharp jab go into my right. shoulder then it just cuts off.

After arriving I quickly found burn scars everywhere on my body, and a smaller one on my left shoulder, it's about the size of a quarter and acts more like a light bruise. I did what I could to hide them and pretend they weren't there.

I've grown close to Kat though. she's nice and helps me figure things out.

I'm still not comfortable in crowds. it's like I'm being suffocated, and I am hopeless to stop it.  

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