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I jolted upright in my bed,
"another nightmare I Don't even remember.. what was it even about?.. oh well.. what time is it anyways?"
I mumbled to myself and looked to my alarm clock and..
I fell out of my bed landing on my tail and a quick slew of curses escaped me as I quickly got the school uniform on, I didn't even button the jacket right. I quickly flew to the school and when I got there.. I could hear something faintly in the distance, my ears twitched slightly and I followed the sounds of yelling..? More like a one sided scolding in a way but the spectators are only antagonizing it!. When I rounded the corner I saw two kids fighting.

"Uhh... Why are those two fighting.. wait.. it's not even an actual fight that pink haired dude is just bitching and throwing fireballs at that blue haired kid." I mumbled to myself and walked away as the blue haired kid suplexed the pink one. It was getting too crowded for my liking anyways.. and I'm not all that fond of fights.

Once I got to my class I quickly jumped out of the way of a ton of weapons flying straight at me! What kind of hell hole is this?! I landed right on my tail.. again and scrambled over to an empty seat as a few of the other students groaned about another person evading the trap. Eventually our professor came in..

"Silence." Kalego-sensei sounded already sick and tired of everything around him, he made his way to the front of the classroom and took roll call, once confirming everyone was in class I looked around and made sure to familiarize myself with their faces, I won't really talk to them.. but I guess it wouldn't-

"Yo! (Y/n) right? I'm jazz!" He stuck his hand out for me to shake, I slowly turned to look at the red eyed black haired boy next to me, he had a lot of jewelry on and was... Overly talkative...

"Erm.. yea.. that's me.. nice to meet you jazz-kun.." I hesitantly shook his hand. And we immediately received a glare from kalego-sensei. The rest of class was boring and completely uneventful.. however, during the passing period I.. got completely lost. I thought I was being cleaver by going down a slightly emptier hallway to avoid the crowd, but I ended up on the completely opposite side of the school! How did this even happen?!

"Oh no.."
Oh crap! The bell just rang! I'm so screwed!
I looked around, I didn't even hear anyone else in the halls! I'm so screwed!
After making sure no one else was in the halls I ran straight through the halls to find my class.. as I dashed around corners suddenly.. I hit something hard.. yet soft and squishy..? oh crap! I ran into someone! After falling straight on my ass for like.. the hundredth time today i looked up and... OH GOD HE'S HUGE! I looked straight into the eyes of a much larger and taller demon, presumably a teacher but.. my god he's scary..

"Oh my apologies.. are you alright?" The large white haired teacher spoke and I felt a vine wrap around my waist and pull me upright on my feet, my tail was already curled nervously behind me, his mask covered the bottom half of his face leaving only his eyes as the only recognizable part about his face.. not that that's the only way to recognize him but still! Cuz ya'know,
Bird legs
Tall (7ft)
Long white hair thats untamed
this man is a certified BIG BOY
That doesn't help him not be intimidating or anything!

"Um.. yes, I'm alright.. thank you.." my ears were completely drooped downwards in fear and nervousness.
The large teacher tilted his head curiously and patted my head curiously before retracting his hand and returning it to his side.

"My name's shichiro balam, but you can just call me balam-sensei, can I ask why you aren't in class right now?" He asked as he raised his hand once more just high enough to pet my head slightly, his voice was calm and actually.. not as scary as I first thought it was.

"Um.. actually... I got lost.. and I was trying to find my way to my second class.." my tail swished low to the ground behind me as I spoke to the still quite intimidating teacher, he doesn't wear a teacher's uniform.. but I guess it'd be uncomfortable for a man with his height and build..
But still. That mask is scary as fu-

"Oh! I see, and who would your second period teacher be? I happen to be heading down to my own classroom but I'm more than happy to help" balam squinted his eyes slightly.. is he smiling or scowling at me..? Honestly, I can't tell.
But before I could react one of those damn vines wrapped around my waist and lifted me up to eye level.. because ya'know, he can't just look down on me physically but now he's doing it metaphorically!

"Oh um, I don't know the teachers name but I know the class.. it's
Demonic history, and I think my next class is mythical zoology.." as I spoke I could swear to the gods above this man started violently shaking while his eyes might as well have been stars

"Oh! I teach both of those classes! And you somehow have them back to back?! That's amazing!" he seemed extremely happy about how my schedule lined up, I felt the vines slightly loosen around my waist but was replaced by his large hands.. He FUCKING PICKED ME UP LIKE A CHILD! I PROBABLY LOOK SO PATHETIC! WHAT?! He took a long analyzing look at my face before talking to me.. LIKE A BABY?! WHAT?

"oh look at those fangs! They're so cute! And your ears and tail are too big for you as well! How adorable! Are your wings also larger in comparison to you?"

Before I could say another word balam cradled me in his arms and started walking to his classroom as the late bell started ringing.. this is going to be an interesting school year..

(Word count 1054, not including this part obviously-)

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