how odd..

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As balam carried (y/n) through the halls towards his classroom the late bell had already rung at this point, (y/n)'s internal monologue was going a mile a minute from both the quickness of the encounter and the sudden physical contact, balam however remained oblivious of
(y/n)'s slight discomfort/fear and eventually as they approached the doors to the classroom it was eerily quiet due to balam's scary reputation, the giant softie was mistaken for a scary maniac that experiments on his students.

{(Y/N'S POV}

As we entered the room, I was still in balam-sensei's muscular yet soft arms, my tail was curled around my legs as I was carried so it wouldn't trip the large teacher. He was very scary.. and his mask and unruly hair only made him more terrifying.. I was quickly snapped from my thoughts as balam-sensei opened the door to the classroom to reveal all the students sitting uncomfortably in their seats with vines around their waists to keep them from leaving abruptly or to bring them to balam-sensei when he decided to pet their heads as he taught. Unfortunately balam-sensei had no intentions of letting me out of his grasp anytime soon, he walked to the front of the classroom and began an introduction to the class.

As the introduction went on balam-sensei continued to pet and caress my black cat ears in a repetitive way like someone would while petting a cat, this was.. uncomfortable to say the least.. at random times other students would be lifted up and brought over to balam, whenever this happened balam would place me in his lap as he sat cross-legged. His large strong bird like legs were surprisingly comfortable.. but this was still a little odd.. I've never had this sort of attention before.. no, I can't get attached.. not again..


At this point half of the students have stopped struggling when they get picked up by my vines but some still flail around.. however the one in my lap, (y/n) seems content with staying there for right now.. dare I say that I might even hear a quiet purr from this small boy.. how cute!~
As I continued to teach the time went by quick, before I knew it the bell rang again! It even scared poor (y/n) who was starting to nod off..
It makes me wonder.. did he get enough sleep? Should I allow him to nap during the next period? I could easily make a picture book of the things he missed.. would he even like a picture book?

Ugh.. it's always stressful getting to know my new students, especially when they're so.. unique! (Y/n)'s black cat ears and tail are way too big for his body it's so adorable! His tail is almost the same length as his body and his ears are constantly droopy from how heavy they are!
Though, he hasn't spoken this whole time.. should I ask him something during the passing period? Yes, I'll do just that.

"Hey.. (y/n), can I ask you something?"
I asked as my gloved hand gently stroked his head as he slowly began nodding off again, this seemed to have gotten his attention enough for his ears to twitch at my words.

"Yes balam-sensei..?" He looked up at me with his naturally wide eyes he was so cute, truly one of the more unique demons I've met. I really want to examine him.. but he seems a little scared of me, maybe I'll try and ask him something to get to better understand him. He seems quite timid and meek but he doesn't seem to mind me holding him like this, besides he seems a little sleepy too. Maybe he didn't sleep enough last night..

"Did you happen to stay up late last night? You seem quite tired.. you also had faint bags under your eyes" as I spoke I noticed the tip of his tail swished as I pet his head.. just like a cat's, how cute!

"Oh, I guess I didn't notice.. I've been up late the past few nights, unfortunately not for a good reason.. I've been binge watching a TV show.." as (y/n) spoke about the reason he stayed up late I couldn't help but laugh a little at it, staying up to watch a TV show? It's so cute! Maybe it was just that interesting that he loses track of time! How adorable..


As balam was about to speak the bell to signal the next class period had rang, all the other students begrudgingly walked into the room and sat in their seats. As soon as they had sat down balam's vines made their move and wrapped around their waists to keep them from running out of the room.
Just as the last class had gone (y/n) stayed in balam's large comforting arms as he taught, it earned a few sympathetic looks but (y/n) actually didn't mind being held like this, he'd never gotten this attention as a child.. or any attention for that matter, against his own will (y/n) actually started to enjoy being held like this. Up until the bell rang once again and signaled the end of the class, balam reluctantly allowed
(y/n) to leave the classroom to go to his next class. The rest of the day went by in a flash in balam's perspective, he couldn't stop wondering about what TV show was so interesting to a teenage demon like (y/n) that they'd lose track of time so often.

(Word count 944. Except this part of course, also! Sorry for the uneventful chapter, I've had a lot of things going on recently)

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