Chapter 5: The Deathdream

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Warning: This chapter needs to be revised since it isn't the best in terms of clarity.

The Forest of Myth was located beyond a passageway flanked by stone cliffs. This village, unlike Nier's which had houses and shops, was filled with large trees, each of which had a door in the trunk. Those in the Forest of Myth built their homes in the hollows of trees.

There were no obvious walkways or paths, but scattered throughout were places where the grass had been trampled short or worn away entirely to reveal bare earth beneath. With no one out and about, the makeshift paths took on an eerie air.

There was something... odd about this place. The village was silent, as if uninhabited, yet there were inhabitants. But they were motionless. And even though they made no sound... you could almost hear their cry for help.

Thankfully, help had arrived.

"Alright Avengers," Cap began, "Fan out."

The Avengers poured through the entrance with Nier close behind. Immediately after entering, Hawkeye came upon a woman standing before an open door in one of the trees. Her expression was blank, and though her eyes were open, she gave no reaction whatsoever when approached.

"Something's up with this one," Hawkeye said.

"Perhaps some kind of enchantment?" Thor replied as he looked around warily.

Black Widow noticed a similarly motionless young man by the neighboring tree door, "There's another one here too."

Iron Man scanned them both with his sensors. "Just analyized them. It looks like they're in some sort of stasis."

Nier pointed down the line of trees. "They're at every door."

There were at least a dozen people frozen on place.

Hulk shifted his weight. "Hulk will wake them up!" Hulk said as he readied himself for a powerful clap, but Thor intervened.

"If this is indeed enchantment, that would be ill advised," Thor stated.

"We need to find a way to reverse whatever's happened," Cap said. "Let's investigate the trees-"

"I say, is that the mayor?" asked Weiss, his attention drawn to an old man on a tree stump.

Nier and Weiss approached him with the Avengers following suit.

As Nier got a closer look, he noticed the old man appeared zoned out. He was motionless and gazing into the distance with a blank stare.

"He's like the others..." Nier surmised.

"Hold a moment," Weiss said, "it appears he is trying to say something."

Nier paid close attention to the old man's lips.

"Contagious...words," the old man finally managed to gasp, "Those...who...dream..."

Everyone who was present struggled to make sense of what that string of words had meant. Nier, sharing their confusion, repeated the phrase in attempt to grasp its meaning. "Those who dream?"

An odd sensation washed over them, enveloping their thoughts in an otherworldly embrace.

"How odd," Weiss interjected, his tone quizzical. "There is a strange new sensation in my mind."

Agreement rippled through the group as they struggled to find words to describe the sensation that had befallen them.

"I feel like I have a hangover," Tony confessed.

Captain Rogers side eyed him. "I'm hoping that doesn't mean that you've had a drink, Tony," he said in a stern tone.

Tony shook his head. "No, I didn't," he replied. "That's what's weird."

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