Chapter 16

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It was Abu Dubai, I was nervous to say the least. I had been cleared to race, I was excited and happy however I hated leaving Faith. Even for a couple hours. She had readjusted to life surprisingly well, I hadn't been expecting her to do so well. But she was almost completely back to her normal self. I was beyond protective of her, I found myself struggling at times to let her out of my eye site but I was getting better.

I felt all the cameras on me as I walked into the paddock carrying Faith on my hip. I was currently the headline of every f1 story. Charles Leclercs come back, Can Charles Leclerc win Abu Dubai?
Charles Leclerc this Charles Leclerc that, it was everywhere I looked.

People shouted questions at me but I ignored them and signed some stuff for some fans with my free hand and took some pictures

I made it to the drivers meeting and sat down next to Lando and Max.
"Give me the child!" Lando demanded immediately, I laughed and passed Faith over to him.
"I'm so glad your back." Max said, I raised and eyebrow, he never acted sentimental or super caring so I was surprised. "It was getting boring not having you around being your usual stupid self." He added with a smirk, I rolled my eyes and immediately lowered my expectations.
"You were so close to being nice." I say giving him a nudge with my shoulder.

"LORD PERCIVAL!!!!" I smiled at the familiar Spanish accent.
"SMOOTH OPERATOR!!!!" I call back as I turn to see Carlos walking through the door.
"Finally your back." He said clapping me on the shoulder before going to sit next to Lando.

I was greeted by some other drivers before I felt two arms wrap around my kneck from behind.
"I can't breath." I gasp out, making max laugh next to me.
"Sorry, I'm just so glad your back." Pierre says letting go.
"I'm glad to be back." I said,
"CHUCK LECLERC!!!!!!!" We were interrupted by a loud Aussie, "And PIERREE GAASSLLYY"

We all laugh as Daniel walks over to us,
"Still finding ways to be annoying even when your no longer on the grid, I see." I said laughing.
Daniel nodded, "You betcha."

We all settled down and listened to the drivers meeting. There had been some safety changes since the beginning of the year because of my accident and the death of Dilano van 't Hoff. While obviously I was glad the FIA was making safety changes I was sad that it came at the expense of a young driver and months of pain for me.

Recovery hadn't been a easy thing for me, I've always been go go go. I've always felt like I've had to prove myself and just push myself a little harder so taking the time to heal properly was hard. But I was back and I felt good, there was times where if I would feel it in my collar bone or ribs or my head would feel a bit weird but it was rare.


I slipped my helmet on and pulled my gloves on, it was time for FP1. My first time back in the car since the accident. My heart was racing and I could feel myself tensing up. I took deep breaths to calm myself down. I climbed into the car and waited for my cue to start the car. As the engine roared to life, I felt my self relax, the outside world disappeared and it was just me and the car.

Once I was given the signal I drove out of the garage and out of the pits. I accelerated and suddenly I was going through the corners not giving it a second thought. Driving on muscle memory, the feel of the wheel in my hand was the therapy I didn't know I needed.

The car was fast, like real fast. I felt we had a chance at competing with the Redbulls this race. Max had already won his third championship not to anyone's surprise, but I wanted to have the greatest comeback and win.
And if an inchident happens in order to make that happen then so be it.

FP1, FP2, and FP3 flew by and next thing I know it's qualifying. I gave Faith a hug before passing her to Arthur and climbing into the car.

We made it to Q3 and I pushed hard on my lap, I made sure to stay in track limits tho. As I slowed down I was quite happy with myself and the car, that had to be a top five.

"That is p1 currently, just waiting on red bull to do their laps." I grinned when I heard that over the radio, the redbulls would probably beat me but a p3 would be a great start.

"Okay Charles that is p1, p1" my eyes widened,
"Oh my gosh!!! Thank you guys!!! This car is amazing." I said to the team over the radio.

I parked my car and climbed out, I had to laugh as I was a red bull sandwich. Max was p2 and checo was p3, max walked over to me.
"Great job!" He said giving me a hug,
"Thanks, you did good too!" We pulled apart and checo gave me a pat on the back and some congratulations.  We took some pictures, and then I became the victim of Maxsplaining.

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